
Simplifying is not easy in Italy. The decree that had this objective, approved by the government in July, should now find full application with regard to construction with the circular that Ministers Dadone and De Micheli sent to the Regions, Provinces and Municipalities and to the different Provveditorati per le public works. The most important development concerns the concept of “rehabilitation of buildings” which is decidedly expanded to include demolition and reconstruction interventions in which the shape, elevation, sediment (ie the surface on which the foundation rests) and the typological characteristics. In all these circumstances, it was necessary until now, to proceed, to request a new construction permit, except in the case that the works were motivated by the need to adapt to anti-seismic legislation. Now, however, this faster process will be possible even when the intervention has other objectives: improvements in accessibility, installation of technological systems and energy efficiency. The two dicasteries indicate that it will also be possible to increase the volume if it is functional for urban regeneration.

At the same time, however, some “risks” are also introduced to take into account when dealing with buildings subject to the limitations provided by the code of cultural heritage: in these cases, volume increases will not be allowed and it will be necessary to maintain the original typological characteristics. In historic centers, derogation interventions will only be possible if the regional regulations or urban planning instruments provide for it. The other novelty highlighted by the circular refers to distances. Once again, for demolition and reconstruction interventions, an exception is introduced, if distances are not respected, provided that the original buildings have been “legitimately built”. This condition can be verified by means of the documentation that usually consists of the title of the building with which it was built or the one related to the last intervention suffered.
The two ministers welcomed the concrete launch of building simplifications. “The simplifications in the field of urban regeneration and redevelopment represent an important regulatory lever to relaunch a key sector of our economy and to raise the value of our real estate assets,” commented Fabiana Dadone. According to Paola De Micheli, “making administrative processes faster and more transparent today means streamlining processes that have too often paralyzed entire business sectors, it means restarting the economy”, underlined Paola De Micheli.
Meanwhile, in the context of the budget law, pressure continues for a temporary extension of the superbonus rule, allowing 110 percent of expenses incurred for particularly significant interventions to be deducted, possibly immediately recovering the entire expense. incurred thanks to the advance formula. banking. The measure has aroused very strong interest from the sector and also from families, but it will be in force only until the end of next year, after a start that is not proving particularly fast, both due to the need to define implementing decrees and circulars, as well as due to difficulties that Covid is creating, for example, for condo activities. Under these conditions, the novelty could have a very limited practical effect, since investments of this type require time and also a stable and well-defined legislative horizon.
“Nobody is against the extension of the superbonus – said yesterday the Minister of Economic Development, Stefano Patuanelli, I believe that a strong extension should be made, not limited to months but, obviously, to years.” The extension would naturally have an impact on the state budget and, for this reason, in particular, the Ministry of Economy would like to take advantage of European funding under the Next Generation Eu plan.
Last update: December 3 at 05:29