The Council of Ministers should give its approval to the decree of 55 billion euros to face the economic emergency caused by the coronavirus. “There are no coverage problems,” says the Ministry of Economy. The agreement on the regularization of migrants, one of the topics most debated by the government, came at night.
The Cabinet started at 6:20 pm at the Palazzo Chigi, which should give the green light to the relaunch decree of 55 billion euros to deal with the economic emergency caused by the coronavirus (ALL LIVE UPDATES – EL SPECIAL CORONAVIRO). “Without coverage problems”, ensures the Ministry of Economy: the measures assigned must include 10 billion for the cig, 4 billion for the Irap cut and 6 billion for SMEs, 2 billion for the adaptation of stores and activities . production according to anti-Covid standards, 2 billion for fiscal measures, 2.5 billion for tourism and culture, 5 for health and safety (CORONAVIRUS, THE REGION OF DATA BY REGION).
Rental fund falls to 140 million
According to the latest draft of the decree, the additional allocation planned for the National Fund for rental support falls from 180 to 140 million.
Stop Imu June also for campsites and spas
Abolition of the payment of the first fee of the IMU, fee-State and fee-Municipality that expires on June 16. The stop, destined for hotels, bathing establishments, lakes and rivers, also applies to spas, agritourism, tourist villages, youth hostels, camping sites.
Stop IRAP for companies with incomes of up to 250 million
Stop the IRAP balance due in June 2019 and the first installment, equivalent to 40%, of the initial payment for all companies and professionals of up to 250 million in income. Banks, financial institutions, insurance companies and administrations and public bodies are excluded from the rule.
Additional holidays with Isee under 40 thousand euros
A tax credit of 500 euros is foreseen for households with an Isee that does not exceed 40 thousand euros to pay for holidays in Italy from July 1 to December 31, 2020. In previous versions, the threshold of the Isee was 50 thousand euros. The tax credit will be valid for vacations in tourist accommodation facilities, farms and bed & breakfast. The credit will be 300 euros for families made up of two people and 150 euros for families made up of one person.
The agreement on the regularization of migrants.
Regularization of migrants, Bellanova and Lamorgese: a matter of dignity
During the night, the agreement on the regularization of migrants came, one of the most debated issues of the government. A double path remains to regularize agricultural workers, fishermen, domestic workers or caregivers. The first foresees the appearance of black, with the payment of a flat rate of 400 euros, by employers who declare an ongoing contract with Italians or foreigners who were in Italy before March 8. The second establishes that the foreigner with an expired permit on October 31, paying 160 euros, can obtain a six-month temporary permit within which, by showing a contract, they can convert it into a work permit. Requests for regularization are “inadmissible” if the employer has also been convicted in the last 5 years, even if it is not final, of helping or exploiting illegal immigration, prostitution or minors, for bodily crimes or crimes related to the law of immigration. Foreigners subject to expulsion, denounced or sentenced, even if not definitively, for crimes such as drug trafficking, or considered a threat to public order, cannot request regularization. “To allow a faster definition of the procedures” for the emergence of illegal immigrants and the regularization of migrants, “the Ministry of the Interior is authorized” to sign up to 900 fixed-term contracts for personnel for a maximum of one year “to distribute in the service offices involved in the regularization procedures. ”
School, 1.5 billion for return in September
School, Minister Azzolina: “You can fail”. News
As for the school, one billion and 450 million are allocated as follows: one billion for the Fund for the management of the return to school in September (400 million in 2020, 600 million in 2021); 331 million for devices, connectivity, security, protective measures, medical assistance, adaptation of spaces in view of the return; 39 million to allow the examination of maturity in presence, in security, buying all the necessary protection devices and ensuring the constant sanitation of the rooms; 80 million for section 0-6 to cover tuition fees (65 million) and increase the regional fund (15 million). Simplification measures are also envisaged in the field of school construction, to allow the local authorities owning the buildings to operate quickly, eliminating bureaucratic steps.
Ecobonus and sismabonus 110%
The superbonus has been confirmed at 110% for expenses incurred from July 1, 2020 to December 31, 2021 for energy and seismic requalification interventions to relaunch construction activity. You can take advantage of the tax credit in 5 equal installments and there is the possibility of transferring the accumulated credit to the banks or request the discount on the invoice of the company that performs the work.
100 million in municipalities for tourist tax
A fund has been foreseen, with an endowment of 100 million euros, for the partial renovation of the municipalities due to the lower income derived from the non-collection of the tourist tax due to the explosion of the Covid epidemic.
The dowry for the tourism fund is reduced.
The dowry for the Tourism Fund is reduced. In the latest draft of the dl budget, the fund established in the estimate by the Ministry for cultural heritage and activities and tourism has a budget of 50 million euros for the year 2020 that “can be increased, to the extent of 50 million euros for each of the years 2020 and 2021 “from the part of the resources of the Development and Cohesion Fund. In the previous version of the regulation, the possibility of an increase of 200 million euros was foreseen by 2020.
CDP assets are born for large companies
Cassa Depositi e Prestiti is authorized to establish “Anticipated Assets” consisting of “assets and legal relationships” from the Ministry of Economy, including government bonds. The objective is to implement interventions and operations to support and relaunch the Italian economic-productive system, in particular of companies with an annual turnover of more than 50 million. For the financing of the assets of the Pretended Assets, the issuance of bonds is allowed, in which “the guarantee of last resort of the State is granted.”
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