Many chapters touched on hundreds of pages, from the Interior to Health (with a 1.4 billion territorial health plan), obviously going through work and business issues. These are interventions that are still being defined, with parts to be reviewed and findings from the Accounting Department. The text, which MEF classifies as “a brogliaccio” that gathers the proposals “that are also discussed at the political level”, summarizes aspects already raised these days and introduces corrections or novelties.
Work and subsidies
As for labor measures, for example, an extension of Cura Italia’s 60 days to five months is expected. layoffs. The period when dismissals for justified objective reasons are further extended and pending proceedings are also suspended. In addition, the employer has the possibility to revoke any dismissal at any time whenever they request an exemption from salary supplementation.
Regarding the extension for the treatment of Redundancy fundWe are talking about 12 weeks and not 18 as initially proposed, and we would start from the periods of February 23 to October 31: an expense of 1.2 billion is expected. There are also simplifications: employers who do not anticipate common IGC treatments can make a direct request to the INPS to pay for the service.
Confirmations for i can be found in the compensation article domestic workers in a range between 400 and 600 euros, for those who in April and May experienced hourly reductions of more than a quarter, 400 euros for employment contracts with a total duration of no more than 20 hours per week; € 600 for employment contracts with a total duration of more than 20 hours per week. Extension to seasonal and other categories is also provided.
To the chapter of show An increase from 80 to 230 million is proposed from the fund of the current portion for emergencies dedicated to the entertainment, film and audiovisual sectors, in order to bring global resources for the sector to an amount equal to 280 million euros.
Companies, special funds and invoices
There were also proposals for intervention in favor of new companies with 150 million for the venture capital support fund, 80 million for the Smart & Start support, increases in the tax incentive for investment and the reserve of 200 million from the guarantee fund for SMEs. Then there is a fund of 200 million to compensate the damages suffered by the aviation sector as well as the improvement of 120 million from the fund to the Ministry of the Environment for the provision of bonus bikes. Ideas also include funds for developing funiculars, treadmills, and electric buses in cities. The Fund proposed by Mipaaf to protect the supply chains in crisis, of more than a billion, destined to implement measures of refreshment for the damages suffered by the sector agricultural, fishing and aquaculture.
An allocation of 600 million made available to the Regulatory Authority for energy, networks and environment (Arera) is what serves to reduce the weight of electricity bills Months from April to June for small productions and commercial activities.
The increase in deductions related to energy requalification expenses, anti-seismic measures and photovoltaic system installations incurred until December 31, 2021, which brings them to 120%, are the support of the decree tobuilding. In parallel, it is proposed to allow clients to receive a discount on the invoice equivalent to 100% of the cost of the work performed against the transfer to the company that performed the work of a tax credit equivalent to 120% of the cost of the work. .
Among the other hypothetical interventions, a fund for the rescue and restructuring of the owner companies historical marks of national interest, a closure in criminal offenses for the liquidity raised by banks with a state guarantee, the ratio of the highway fee to real traffic and the possibility of building an amnesty for local authorities.
Family, bonuses and funds for summer camps.
As for the family, it would increase from 600 to 1,200 euros in childcare bonus It would also extend to summer camps, in various forms ranging from complementary services for children to territorial socio-educational services. The measure mentioned in the working document, which does not report any finding by the Accounting Department, also foresees an increase of 2,000 euros for the bonus in favor of health personnel.
Among other regulations, an increase of € 150 million is expected in the Family Policy Fund to strengthen the summer centers during the day, while private sector employees with children under the age of 14 are assured of the possibility of continuing with agile work “as long as this method is compatible with the characteristics of the service”. To restart the schools, mail of a total of 370 million for reopening and cleaning.
A different hypothesis refers to the reimbursement ofsubscription for unused public transport for travelers who have been unable to use Covid emergency vehicles: from the bus to the subway, from the train to the vaporetto. The document specifies that the measure is valid for public transport services with any means of transport (iron, rubber or water) and refers to the refund of the amount paid for the unused part of the subscription, provided it has been purchased until March 10, 2020 and ongoing. validity in the months of emergency stop.
Another € 900 million for 2020 is allocated to the Fund to improve the efficiency of the production and supply chain and to finance national programs for the distribution of food to destitute people.
Tourism, vacation credit up to 500 euros
In the allocation of 1.5 billion lire National emergency fund To allow the continuation of the Civil Protection activity, the Accounting Office reports that there is currently no financial coverage. Refering to tourism, anticipated by yesterday’s words by Martella and Franceschini, there is a tax credit in the document for households with an Isee income of no more than 35,000 for the payment of services offered nationwide by tourist accommodation companies and usable since 1 from July to December 31, 2020, in favor of a single member per family within the maximum limit of 500 euros. The credit measure would be 300 euros for households made up of two people and 150 euros for those made up of a single person. This is one of the hypotheses foreseen in the proposal contained in the working document for the development of the relaunch decree. The credit would be usable up to 90% as a discount and 10% as a deduction.
There are also three funds under study with a total endowment of 130 million, to face the subscription of quotas to improve properties for tourist activities, a second for the granting of contributions and a third for promotion.
One of the hypotheses reported is also a ceiling at the price of masks and disinfectants, with the temporary obligation for producers to indicate the recommended maximum selling price. However, the sale price to the final consumer charged by the final retailers cannot exceed the amounts established by the decree: for masks, in particular, 1.50 euros is indicated for surgical procedures and the price rises to 9.50 euros for FFP3 with valve. The violation, the hypothesis reports, would be punished with administrative sanctions and, in the most serious cases, with the suspension of sales activity. Controls would depend on the Guardia di Finanza.
So sportThe interventions include a “Fund for the Revitalization of the National Sports System” financed by a tax on the collection of sports bets totaling 1 or 0.75 percent per year.