Rome – A day of pushing and pulling. Jumping forward and braking. Meeting schedule. Hundreds of articles under review with a pre-council that lasted until late at night. But once again, the relaunch decree can wait.
The Cabinet that was due to launch it yesterday was still once postponed after a pre-council that lasted all day and lasted until late, despite pressure from ministers Dario Franceschini and Roberto Speranza and Prime Minister Giuseppe Conte himself who wanted to be able to give the go-ahead, even at night . In the evening, Palazzo Chigi announces that the political agreement is there and, therefore, the Council of Ministers will be there today and give the green light. And even if the Ministry of Economy specifies that there is no coverage problem and that all knots have been resolved, the questions have not yet been resolved, starting with the regularization of migrants, domestic workers, and caregivers who see the Five Stars on the barricades. . The road, which appeared to be covered yesterday morning with a text prepared by Interior Minister Luciana Lamorgese, returned uphill and full of obstacles after none of the representatives of the Movement asked to remove the amnesty from the decree.
Yesterday’s long technical marathon served to analyze one by one, the more than 250 articles of the decree created to support companies, families and workers overwhelmed by the coronavirus emergency. A maximum maneuver of 55 billion that forced the government to request a budget change and which has now reached almost two months of gestation. Measures such as subsidies for smaller companies (€ 6 billion) or discounts on rentals and invoices for commercial activities (€ 1 billion and € 600 million), the extension of another 9 weeks of the house of integration in derogation (10 thousand million), allowances for own-account workers, VAT, co.co.co, seasonal (4 billion and 500 million) up to emergency income for those who have no income and an Isee below 15 thousand euros have been announced for some time and are expected from struggling companies and workers. Palazzo Chigi also underlines this when he recalls that the objective is to give way in the next few hours to a solid network of support, help and investments to protect citizens, families and companies facing an unprecedented crisis.
But time passes and the emergency worsens. In the text, says Health Minister Speranza, there are also 3.25 billion to hire 9,600 nurses and increase positions in the ICU by 115%. Confirmed the cancellation of the IRAP for companies with a turnover of up to 250 million, the hypothesis of a sale of public properties also arises. But today another day.