Regularization of migrants, Ministry of the Interior: «The text is ready». But the cabinet still slips.


For the Interior Ministry, the agreement on the regularization of migrants exists and is the result of mediation reached within the government on Sunday. The interior ministry reiterated this in the late afternoon. However, the launch of the measure, within the reactivation dl, still seems to be far away: proof of this is that the council of ministers, which had to examine the measure, has been postponed until tomorrow. “The agreed text of the provision on the emergence of work in agriculture and in the domestic work sector is ready; and is the result of the synthesis reached on Sunday between the majority forces and the government to respond to security needs, including health, and the pressing demands of the manufacturing world and Italian families, “said the Interior Ministry in the afternoon. The Prime Minister, with a note published in the morning, had calmed down when reaching an agreement. “On Sunday night, government forces delegations reached, in the presence of President Conte, a political agreement on various issues and measures to be included in the decree that is being formed – the Palazzo Chigi press release at the last minute Tuesday morning – Among these The CD issues were also widely discussed “Regularization of migrants”, in which a political synthesis was achieved by leaving the task of translating it at the technical-legal level to Minister Lamorgese “.

The content of the agreement.

The text agreed on Sunday night, and to which the note of the Ministry of the Interior refers, provided for six-month temporary permits for immigrants already present in the national territory to be employed as temporary workers in agriculture or as caretakers and mistresses From home. The agreement stipulated that the employer was responsible for self-reporting the irregularities to be remedied, in exchange for criminal immunity. But this was precisely the main point at which the M5S stopped. The design of the text has remained substantially identical, including the criminal shield. The employer may regularize a worker behind the lump sum payment to INPS of a contribution of 400 euros. Excluded from the possibility of employers who have been convicted, although not definitively, in the last 5 years, for crimes such as illegal recruitment, aid to illegal immigration, recruitment of people for prostitution.

The conditions for migrants.

Italian and foreign workers will benefit. The latter must demonstrate, through police photos, that they had been present in Italy before March 8. Recipients of expulsion orders are excluded. The other form of contained regularization is to grant six-month temporary residence permits to job applicants who have expired after October 31. The foreigner will have to demonstrate that he has already worked and that there will be rigorous inspections by labor inspections. The content of the provision, we reiterate to the Ministry of the Interior, is the result of a summary that was agreed last Sunday among all the parties involved. Now it will be up to Prime Minister Giuseppe Conte to evaluate the inclusion of the measure in the Revitalization Decree as requested by Pd, Iv and Italia Viva.

No council of ministers

The text was supposed to land on the Cabinet, but as stated, the session was postponed until tomorrow. Between vetoes and cross accusations. Those who promote the regularization of irregular workers believe that by opposing the provision, there is a risk of playing the game of those seeking to consolidate undeclared work and contract workers. To put it in the words of a “great” Democratic Party, there is fear that one wing of the 5-star Movement will feel nostalgic for the government with Salvini and want to shake the executive. Therefore, the game is meant to continue in the Council of Ministers and also in Parliament. But Conte is called to make a synthesis that goes beyond the divisions within the parts. For the Prime Minister, the green light for the regularization of immigrant workers is also a response to the possibility of guaranteeing greater health security in the country. (AGI

Crimi (M5S): «Let’s not go back a millimeter»

A few minutes later, M5S chief political ruler Vito Crimi had started a torpedo: “Unfortunately, the latest draft seen last night still reports amnesty for criminal and administrative offenses for those reporting an irregular employment relationship. Hope To find a positive solution remains, we continue to work collaboratively to achieve this goal. But it remains firm that at the point we will not retreat a millimeter. Those who have exploited people and drugged the markets using low-cost illegal labor, avoiding contributions and taxes, they can’t get away with it. ” Then he wrote on Facebook: “From the beginning, my doubts about the provision have been evident to everyone, in the part related to the regularization of migrants. I believe that any regularization should go through a regular employment contract, and not the other way around. In particular, I do not consider it possible for the state to strike a sponge with respect to hate crimes such as the exploitation of human beings. Such an amnesty would have devastating ‘moral’ effects in the country. “

Orfini (Pd): “The position of the M5S is inadmissible”

But even the reaction of the Democratic Party was immediate. And the answer to Crimi is dry. Matteo Orfini wrote on Twitter as follows: «The M5S says that you have to be inflexible with those who exploit human beings. And with this argument, he has been blocking the regularization of migrants for days, which would break precisely that mechanism of exploitation. An absurd and inadmissible position for me. And I hope not only for me ». “The M5S cannot continue blocking the DL due to the absurd demand to postpone the regularization of workers in agriculture indefinitely”, Senators PD, Dario Stefano, vice-president of the dem group at the Palazzo Madama, Luciano D’Alfonso and Francesco Verducci – The position of the 5 stars is totally unjustified, we must reach an agreement that, among other things, is considered healthy by the entire category of farmers and that responds to a principle of civilization and justice “,

May 12, 2020 (change May 12, 2020 | 8.45pm)

