Registry of infections in Calabria: +136 in one day. In the province of Cosenza 49 new cases


New record of infections in Calabria where today there are 136 positives, the highest number ever reached. More than 3,000 cases since the start of the pandemic. There are 81 hospitalized patients, 6 of them in intensive care. The positives continue to grow in the province of Cosenza: 49 cases in one day.

COSENZA – New record rise in Covid-19 infections in Calabria. Sregistration 136 new positives (yesterday there were 98) in the last 48 hours as reported by the bulletin of the Ministry of Health. It is the highest number ever recorded in our Region. struggling with dozens of sprouts. Increase in swabs performed in a single day: since yesterday, in fact, there have been 2,449 most tested swabs (on Monday there were 1,847) which brings the total number of tests to 243,043. Impact on tampons rises to +4.6%. The total number of infections in Calabria, including victims and those cured, amounts to 3,099. With regard to new infections today, it is once again the province of Reggio Calabria that has the highest number of infections with 50 cases, followed immediately after by that of Cosenza with 49 new positives. Then the province of Catanzaro with 25 infections, Crotone with 7 and Vibo Valentia with 5.

The numbers of contagion in Calabria

By analyzing data and figures on contagion in Calabria, including residents and people from outside the region, it is 1,380 people positive for the virus, 128 more than yesterday. the the total number of victims is 105 while in the last 24 hours 7 recovered plus which brings the total number of people who have defeated the disease to 1,614. Increases the number of hospitalized at the hospital: there are 81 in total including 6 in intensive care. Of these 23 are in Catanzaro (three of them in intensive care), 28 in the Annunziata di Cosenza (two of them in intensive care), 31 in the GOM of Reggio Calabria (one of them in intensive care). Finally there are 1,293 positive people in Covid-19 in isolation home with mild or asymptomatic symptoms, 120 more than yesterday. Of these 222 are people residing in another region or abroad. Since the last survey, a total of 821 people have registered on the Calabria Region portal to communicate their presence in the regional territory.

Territorially, in cases like this they are distributed

ACTIVE CASES 152 (21 in ward; 3 in intensive care; 128 in home isolation); CASES CLOSED 312 (278 recovered, 34 deceased)

ACTIVE CASES 333 (26 on the ward; 2 in intensive care, 305 in home isolation); CASES CLOSED 586 (549 recovered, 37 deceased)

Reggio calabria
ACTIVE CASES 623 (31 in ward; 1 in intensive care; 591 in home isolation); CASES CLOSED 437 (416 recovered, 21 deceased)

ACTIVE CASES 26 (26 in home isolation); CASES CLOSED 148 (142 recovered, 6 deceased)

Vibo valentia
ACTIVE CASES 24 (3 hospitalized, 21 in home isolation); CASES CLOSED 119 (113 recovered, 6 deaths)

Another foreign region or state
ACTIVE CASES 222 (222 in home isolation); CASES CLOSED 117 (116 recovered, 1 deceased). Also included is the person who died in the Cosenza intensive care unit who was a resident outside the region
