Regions to the Government: no to the closure of borders, yes to aid to the most affected sectors


A letter addressed to Prime Minister Giuseppe Conte, Ministers Roberto Speranza and Francesco Boccia, in which the Governor of the Emilia Romagna Region and President of the Conference of the Regions, Stefano Bonaccini, raises the Regions’ doubts about the content of the Dpcm and asks to include in the provision the ” Commitment to recognize adequate supplies to the sectors most affected by the anti-Covid squeeze. The governors ask, among other things, to rethink the tightening of the closures of bars and restaurants, not to close the ski lifts, to rub only the symptomatic and cohabitants of those who contracted the virus.

“In general,” writes Bonaccini in the letter, “the need to provide adequate forms of provisioning to the sectors and economic activities affected by the limitations introduced by the provision that is the object of this opinion is indicated, through the simultaneous activation of specific round tables with competent Ministries “Then Bonaccini transfers, on behalf of the Regions, the” observations to the Dpcm “with the request for conferences. In point one” the extension of distance education to 100% is required for secondary schools and universities; while in the second point “to make the work of the ASL / Regions sustainable in times of emergency by reducing the burden. Due to difficulties in contact tracing, swabs (molecular or antigenic) should be used only for symptomatic and close contacts (relatives and cohabitants) under evaluation by the Prevention Departments and the daily telephone call should be reserved for individuals in isolation or quarantine. to specific cases of evaluation of the public health operator “.

In point three, one acts on one of the most heartfelt points of the Dpcm, the squeeze of bars and restaurants: “Give the closing time of the restaurants at 11 at night, with only table service – ask for Bonaccini at name of the governors – bars close at 8 pm, with the exception of shops that can guarantee table service. Eliminate the obligation to close on Sundays. ”In point four, the Conference of Regions asks to leave open the ski lifts, which have ended in squeeze, finally in point five it is asked to “foresee the closure of shopping centers on weekends, with the exception of food stores and pharmacies.” In addition, it is made known of the Government the need to: Evaluate the closures related to: gyms, swimming pools, sports centers, cinemas, theaters, etc., also evaluating the epidemiological reference data; foresee a commitment by the Dpcm. of the government to restore the activities ades that have suffered limitations and / or closures “.

“We ask the government not to close the regional, provincial and municipal borders. There are people who travel for work and study, closing the borders is not only unfair but it is not feasible and cannot be controlled ”. This was stated by the governor of Liguria, Giovanni Toti, in a video message broadcast at the end of the meeting between the Conference of the Regions and the Government. “We have some tough weeks ahead of us. We need to contain Covid and we need to save Christmas for our merchants, so we need to clear the infection before that time comes. We have to protect our health but we also have to defend our economy ”, he emphasized.

However, executive sources assure that a specific decree with economic support measures will be approved next week.
