Some Italian regions towards total blockade with local ordinances. The Dpcm that divided Italy into red, orange and yellow zones was probably the most criticized by regional presidents, among those who complained about the inclusion of their territory in the zone of greatest alarm and those who called for even more restrictive measures.
Eventually, regional ordinances began to arrive that once again redesigned Conte’s map.

Regions in the red zone even without Dpcm
The state of emergency issued by the Prime Minister during the first wave of coronavirus and extended until the end of 2020, it has never prevented governors from introducing more restrictive measures than national ones.
And so, while the second wave gets worse and worse (if not in the number of infections, at least in the number of deaths and ICU beds occupied), here are the regional regulations that close schools and prohibit habits omitted by the Dpcm.
At the moment, it is some administrations in the South that, concerned about the figures, are imposing more restrictive measures, mainly regarding the closure of schools.
Abruzzo closes schools and shopping centers
Starting next Tuesday Abruzzo, which for the Ministry of Health is an orange zone, could be in a de facto lock, with distance education for schools of all levels and travel restrictions. Probably also the closing of shopping malls and maybe even stores. The ordinance begins on Wednesday, November 18 and will be in effect until December 3.
“Sometimes you also have to do what you don’t want to do, because it is correct and appropriate. No one can escape responsibility, these are not times to play political and propagandistic games but they are times when take a stand and anticipate options. Abruzzo must be a red zone with schools closedThus, the vice president of the Abruzzo City Council, Emanuela Imprudente, anticipated the news.
Schools closed in Basilicata
For two weeks, from November 17 to December 2, Basilicata will close all schools. This was announced by President Vito Brandi. In this case, the order has already been signed. Basilicata would also be the orange zone.
Campania, De Luca’s rules
Stronger measures than those provided by the Dpcm also in Campania, whose president is in open conflict with the national government these days.
Ordinance number 90 of the Campania Region provides for the reopening of schools from the 24th, but only kindergarten and first grade. The rules for the red areas provide for distance learning only from second grade onwards.