Regione closes the Sesto San Giovanni emergency room to promote the hospital in Fiera


The Fiera Milano hospital
in photo: The Fiera Milano hospital

Despite the now clear need for the reopening of the Fiera hospital in Milan, and the consequent need, as a result of a lack of planning, for health personnel, the regional councilor of the Democratic Party Pietro Bussolati attacks the Lombardy Region which, according to him , would be guilty of wanting to “close the emergency room and the birth point of the Sesto San Giovanni hospital” to “recover doctors and nurses from the Fiera hospital”.

The accusation of Bussolati: The Region weakens the other hospitals to favor the one of Fiera Milano

The Democratic councilor maintains that “the Region has decided to close the emergency service and the birthing center on Wednesday, October 28 to transfer three anesthetists and six nurses to the fair hospital.” According to the information available to Bussolati, therefore, “the emergency room would move to Bassini and the birth point to Niguarda.” This is how the regional councilor himself defines it “a very serious fact that arises from the need for the Region to recover 153 intensive doctors and 459 nurses”, currently absent and available, for the Region, only if it moves them away “from other hospitals, already exhausted , weakening their ability to heal. ” Bussolati therefore opposes the reopening of the Fiera hospital, dedicated to Covid patients, which he says is “a structure that cannot count on any specialization and therefore can actually only treat patients less serious. The Region does exactly that. What, according to all the leading experts, should not be done – the Democratic Party councilor finally continues shouting – deprives the local health sector to invest in a single hub “.

Gallera’s response: Bussolati is not informed

The response of the Lombardy Minister of Welfare was very close Giulio Gallera who responded to director Pietro Bussolati saying that “he is not informed. Or perhaps you have not yet assimilated the extraordinary usefulness of the Hospital de la Fiera. Lombardy Region, regarding the services and actions of the Sesto San Giovanni Hospital, has not made any decisions about the emergency room and the point of birth “.
