BARI – A confirmation that came as a surprise. And even the outgoing president Michele Emiliano, commenting on the victory, had no difficulty admitting it: he was afraid of losing. In the end, however, it won with a gap, from 47% to 38.8% (2,579 analyzed sections of 4,026).
Against all odds. Because until last Friday the polls gave Fitto an advantage of 4 percentage points over Emiliano. A difference annulled by the first exit polls of the 15 that had condemned two men in command: the outgoing president, from the center-left, and the opponent supported by the center-right, on equal merit, between 39 and 43% of the preferences.
[Leggi qui tutti i risultati delle elezioni Regionali, qui quelli del Referendum: qui tutti i dati della consultazione]
These are also wrong, but they are already significant. Because the reversal of the trend in the polls was immediately interpreted as a negative sign at Fitto’s headquarters. And, in fact, the first projections have culminated the comeback of the center left, overturning the forecasts of the polls: from the third projection of SWG for La7, Emiliano was at 46.6%, nine points ahead of 37 , 4% Dense. Kicking off Emiliano’s party. Thanks also to a surprise in the lists in support of the presidential candidates: behind the Democratic Party, the first party with 17.6%, in the center-right Fratelli d’Italia obtained 12.5% against 9.5 % in the league. A collapse of Matteo Salvini’s party – which at the 2019 European Championship in Puglia had exceeded 25% – which obviously made the difference. If the support of the Brothers of Italy paid dividends for candidate Fitto, as well as the renewed vigor of Forza Italia (8.9%), the same cannot be said of the Lega as until the last attempt to impose an alternative name. And even though Salvini had beaten Puglia everywhere, he ran alongside the center-right unitary candidate only at the closing rally with Meloni and Tajani. A choice of distance was also confirmed in the details: the choice of a different headquarters, yesterday, with respect to that of the allies. I did my best – Fitto commented – but Covid’s management has strengthened the presidents in office, as evidenced by the success of the epidemiologist Pier Luigi Lopalco’s list. Then, Fitto’s push: the entire board and the different branches of the Region functioned as an electoral committee, with a few thousand recruits. On the other hand, however, Emiliano has overcome all obstacles. In the first place, the lack of agreement with the grillini, with the candidate Antonella Laricchia remaining at 11.1% and the 5-Star Movement at 9.8%, thus refuting the hypothesis of a separate vote but confirming the phase decline in Apulia, not so much from 18% of 5 years ago as 45% of 2018 policies and 26% of 2019 Europeans. Secondly, Emiliano has overcome without loss the break with Italia Viva, with the candidate Ivan Scalfarotto and Minister Teresa Bellanova who carried out a very tough campaign against the outgoing president, in memory of the heated controversy of the Bari magistrate against the Renzi government. To whom, said Emiliano, I have nothing to say. Also because Scalfarotto, with less than 2%, will not even occupy the position of director. The increase in participation was also rewarded by Emiliano, despite the risk of abstention due to fear of Covid: 56.4% of Apulianos voted against 51% in 2015.
September 22, 2020 (change September 22, 2020 | 08:58)