Yellow and red, in these parts, are only together on the banner of the Municipality of Recanati, the homeland of Leopardi, because M5S – according to the will of the great patrol of local parliamentarians – runs proudly only with the municipal councilor of Tolentino Gian Mario Mercorelli, proud defender of a now obsolete slogan, among Grillini’s top management: “Neither here nor there. So much – he emphasizes – the damage that the two coalitions do to the administration of public affairs is practically the same.” The waste of the opposition carried out in the last five years to President Luca Ceriscioli, who leaves the stage after a single term, weighs heavily. Certainly, the Nazarene still does not give peace due to the lack of agreement and Mercorelli is also a candidate for the regional council: from the perspective of not even finishing second and therefore not being able to access the seat that belongs to the first of those defeated among the candidates to governors. Call it, if you want, parachute.

Regionali, Zingaretti warns: “An important vote for future scenarios”
On the other side of the fence, Francesco Acquaroli, former mayor of Potenza Picena, rubbing his hands much appreciated by Giorgia Meloni who made him a candidate for everything, in recent years: Regional 2015 (not elected), Politics 2018 (elected), European 2019 (not elected). The alternation rule would now lead to success: “But the goal is when the referee whistles,” he repeats to his Acquaroli, borrowing a phrase from Vujadin Boskov, a coach who began his Italian career 90 kilometers from home. Forty-six years old, already a militant of the Youth Front, Acquaroli is the clean face of a right that here too does not stop including the nostalgia of fascism: like the organizers of the now famous commemorative dinner of the march on Rome in Acquasanta Terme, complete with images and phrases of the Duce in the letter, which was also attended by the deputy of the Marches.
That story, remembered and stigmatized on the eve of the electoral campaign also by Nicola Zingaretti, is a shadow that still accompanies Acquaroli today. To be chased away in annoyance: “That night I walked away before sitting down at the table, I didn’t see the menu and didn’t even remember that it was the anniversary of the March on Rome. And in any case, I don’t think these are the issues that matter to the people of the Marches, who are going through an economic and social crisis that is also the result of the work of the center-left administrations. ”And far from it, with the label of favorites and deliberately low tones, even at the explicit request of the League that , convinced that she has already won, asks for the key presidency of Health. “We discussed everything in due time”, Acquaroli cools, with a more than right-handed DC, and with a smile that stands out on the posters next to the omnipresent of Giorgia Meloni , the mentor who dreams of celebrating the conquest of Fli. of the Adriatic mountain range: from the Marches to Puglia (where Raffaele Fitto is a candidate), passing through Abruzzo won in 2019 by Marco Marsilio.
The 5-star votes will be decisive, as mentioned: three out of five councilors approved with Mangialardi and two of them, led by the group’s former leader in the Region Gianni Maggi, have put on an autonomous list of transgender recipients called Marche Coraggiose. “At least half of the grillini are already with me, since I have included practically all their topics in my program,” says the pioneering leader of the Democratic Party, who also managed to assemble a vast center-left, from article 1 to the Renzianos in passing . + Europe and Calenda Action. But the risk is that the transfer of the outgoing consensus of the 5S, if any, may not be enough, also because the electoral law of the Marches does not allow the vote separately, or the possibility of giving preference to a party for the council and one to a different governor.

Regionali, Salvini: “My goal is seven to zero. This government will not last until the end”
It is in this climate that the decisive week opens, with the arrival of Stefano Bonaccini, the icon of good governance on the left, to begin with Mangialardi and with the returns of Meloni and Salvini for Acquaroli. If the margins between the top two contenders were to narrow, the votes of the other five would-be governors could also “weigh.” Firstly Roberto Mancini, professor of Theoretical Philosophy in Macerata and exponent of the left-wing civic list “Depende da Noi”, whose illustrious sponsor is the former magistrate and president of the Region Vito D’Ambrosio. Another member of the left is also in the race, the regional secretary of the Communist Party Fabio Pasquinelli, then Sabrina Banzato nominated for “Vox Populi”, the movement founded by the philosopher Diego Fusaro, Alessandra Contigiani to “Reconquer Italy” and the no vax Anna. Rita Iannetti. They will also try to write a fragment of the history of these elections in which the attention of Rome is focused.