Regional: Useful vote and lists of Presidents win – Politics


The 3 to 3 of this round of Regionals is characterized by strong leadership of presidents-elect, whose civic lists are even the first party in the Veneto of Luca Zaia and in the Liguria of Giovanni Toti. But it is also a return on behalf of the helpful vote, decisive in Tuscany and Puglia, where the divided vote of many M5 voters was significant.

The Vito Crimi Movement remains at modest thresholds, light years away from those of 2018 and 2019, while the Democratic Party not only presents the great fear of losing Tuscany, but it turns out to be the first party with 34%, “eating “Italia Viva, standing at 3.7% This is what emerges from the first projections based on a significant sample of seats surveyed, while the final data will only be available at night.

The two regions whose result was politically “heavy” were Tuscany and Puglia, until now ruled by the center-left and in the balance according to the polls. Indeed, the polls gave the center-right certainly winning in Veneto, Liguria and Marche, with the center-left able to unquestionably hold only Campania with Vincenzo De Luca. Compared to the expected face-to-face between Giani and Ceccardi in Tuscany and between Emiliano and Fitto in Puglia, the projections made Nicola Zingaretti smile: the Democratic Party candidates establish themselves with a more marked detachment than expected over the antagonists. from center to right. Emiliano is at 46.1% compared to 37% for Raffaele Fitto, while Eugenio Giani is at 47.2% compared to 40.8% for Susanna Ceccardi.

Waiting for the actual ballot the divided vote of many M5 voters appears to have been decisive, who voted for the Movement’s list but voted as president the candidates with the best chance of victory, which are Emiliano and Giani. In fact, the M5 governor candidates obtained fewer votes than the polls suggested: in Apulia, Antonella Laricchia stood at 11.9%, 3-5 points less than expected, and in Tuscany Irene Galletti did not exceed 7 ,one. %. In addition, in Puglia, the preferential vote on the numerous candidates for the Regional Council of the 15 lists that supported Emiliano worked. Indeed, those who explicitly referred to him, obtained 27.3%, 10 points more than the Democratic Party.

And here comes the speech from the president’s lists. In Veneto, the Zaia List is 47.3%, annihilating Lega (14.9%), Fdi (8.3%) and FI (2.6%). In Liguria, the Toti List rises to 22.1% compared to 16% for the Lega, 9.4% for the Fdi and 4.3% for the FI. Figures that project the two governors in a dimension of national leadership.

M5s is irrelevant in the victory or defeat of the Pd in ​​five regions out of 6. In Liguria, the M5s-Pd alliance in Ferruccio Sansa has not achieved its goal, and in Puglia and Tuscany the movement’s solo career did not affect Emiliano and Giani. On the other hand, in the Marche region, if 9.3% of Mercorelli pentastellato had been added to 37.6% of Dem Mangialardi, the game with Acquaroli (47.3%) would have been open.

Among the parties with the most disappointing results, alongside Fi, is Italia Viva. Renzi’s party is stagnant at 3.7% in his Tuscany, and gubernatorial candidates have fared no better: Scalfarotto at 2% in Puglia, Massardo at 2.8% in Liguria, Sbrollini below 1% in Veneto.
