Regional polls: Toti wins in Liguria, Zaia triumphs in Veneto. Face to face between the Democratic Party and the center-right in Tuscany and Puglia


Toti and Zaia make their way in Liguria and Veneto, while in Tuscany and Puglia there is a face to face between the candidate of the Democratic Party and the one who supports the center-right. In essence, the classic clash between center-right and center-left will be consolidated in all Regions with the M5s always out of play. This is what emerges from the latest polls published in the Regionals from September 20 to 21. In Campania, the reconfirmation of outgoing Democratic President Vincenzo De Luca is highly likely. While in the Marches, the center-right candidate, Melonian Francesco Acquaroli, has the upper hand. In particular, in Tuscany, Puglia and Marche, “friendly fire” is especially pernicious for the Democrats: the lack of alliances with the M5S (in all three) and Italia Viva (in the case of Puglia) could be decisive for success right. .



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In the analysis carried out by the Noto Sondaggi company there should be no surprises in Veneto for the outgoing president Luca Zaia who registered a level of consensus that fluctuates between 71-75%. The center-left candidate Arturo Lorenzoni is very distant, oscillating between 18-22%, third place for the aspiring president of the M5S Enrico Cappelletti, which is between 2-6%.

Also in Liguria There is a high probability that Giovanni Toti will be reconfirmed as head of the region. The survey assigns him between 54-58% while the most feared competitor, which is Ferruccio Sansa, the only unitary candidate Pd-M5s, stops between 37-41%.



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More uncertain situation in Tuscany: the center-left candidate Eugenio Giani is between 42-46% but is closely followed by the center-right rival Susanna Ceccardi who has a consensus between 39-43%. As mentioned, the “competition” from cinquestelle candidate Irene Galletti, given by Youtrend at 8.3%, does not prove in favor of Giani. The last two weeks of the election campaign will be crucial.



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Again according to the Noto survey, in Market the stage seems more stable. The aspiring president of the center-right Acquaroli ranks between 47-51% compared to the center-left candidate Maurizio Mangialardi who is between 35-39%. So also in Campania where, as mentioned, the outgoing president De Luca has a high probability of being reconfirmed ranging between 46-50%, while the center-right challenger Stefano Caldoro is between 34-38%. Situation reversed instead in Puglia, where the center-right candidate Raffaele Fitto is ahead with 39-43% followed by the outgoing president Emiliano who varies the consensus between 36-40%. Still in Puglia, according to pollster Roberto D’Alimonte, the center-right candidate (39.6%) has the support of a compact coalition, but the outgoing governor recovers (38.2%) thanks to 14 general lists. Analyzing the situation as a whole, D’Alimonte writes that “for Emiliano it is an uphill race. Unlike other outgoing governors who have re-nominated, Zaia, De Luca, Toti, Covid does not seem to have really benefited him.”



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