There are 13 unpresentable candidates on the lists for next Sunday’s election. The names were revealed today by the anti-mafia commission and are present in only three regions of the seven involved in the electoral competition, namely: Puglia (3), Campania (9) and Valle D’Aosta (1). Clean lists instead in Tuscany, Veneto, Liguria, Marche. In Campania he was a candidate with De Luca as president Aureliano Iovine, accused of mafia association (List of Liberal Democrats of Campania). Michele Emiliano’s candidate is also accused of aggravating mafia activities Silvana Albani (Puglia solidarity green list).
The unpresentables of Campania are divided (almost) equally between the lists on the left for Vincenzo De Luca president (five) and those on the right with Stefano caldoro (four). Also on De Luca’s list Carlo Iannace already convicted and excluded from public office in 2016, and in addition to the one accused by the mafia Iovine (416 bis), in De Luca’s list the other unpresentable ones are: Sabino basso (Campania Libre – President De Luca, President Vincenzo De Luca by Vincenzo De Luca), accused of money laundering (Article 648-bis of the Italian Penal Code), the trial in progress before the Court of Avellino; Orsola De Stefano (Lega Salvini Campania, president Stefano Caldoro by Stefano Caldoro), accused of extortion (article 317 of the Italian Penal Code) in the ongoing trial before the Avellino Court; Maria Grazia Di Scala (Forza Italia Berlusconi with Caldoro), accused of extortion (article 317 of the Italian Penal Code) in the ongoing trial before the Court of Naples; Michele langella (Campania in Europe, for President Vincenzo De Luca), accused of money laundering (648-bis of the Penal Code), the ongoing trial before the Torre Annunziata Court; Monica paolino (Forza Italia Berlusconi with Caldoro, by Stefano Caldoro President), accused of political-mafia electoral exchange (articles 110, 81, 416-ter of the Italian Penal Code), the trial in progress before the Court of Nocera Inferiore; Francesco Plaitano (Italian Republican Party, by President Vincenzo De Luca), already denounced in 2015 by the Antimafia Commission of the XVII Legislature for violation of the self-regulation code for the same penalty for extortion, still pending, the appeal was set for September 22 of 2020; Francesco Silvestro (Forza Italia Berlusconi with Caldoro, by Stefano Caldoro President), accused of extortion (article 317 of the Italian Penal Code), the trial in progress before the Court of Naples.
The unpresentable ones in Puglia are three, two for the list of the left-wing candidate Michele Emiliano and one for the list of the extreme right: Raffaele Guido (Fiamma Tricolore for Franco Piero Antonio Bruni president), accused of multiple crimes that include attempted private violence, aggravated injuries and threats, aggravated in order to facilitate the activity of mafia associations (articles 110, 56-610, 612, 582 – 585 of the Italian Penal Code and articles 2,4,7 of Law 895/1967 and article 7 of Law 203/1991). The trial in progress before the Court of Lecce. With the aggravating mafia with Michele Emiliano there Silvana Albani (Puglia Solidale Verde), charged with the crimes of false expertise, corruption for an act contrary to official duties and corruption in judicial acts, aggravated by the purpose of facilitating the activity of mafia associations (articles 110, 373, 319, 319 ter of the Penal Code and article 7 of Law 203/1991). The trial in progress before the Court of Catanzaro; Always with Michele Emiliano too Vincenzo Gelardi (Partido Progresista del Sur), accused of multiple crimes of fraudulent transfer of aggravated values in order to facilitate the activity of mafia associations (articles 110 of the criminal code, 12 quinquies of decree law 306/1992 and article 7 of law 203 / 1991). The ongoing trial before the Court of Naples.
The unpresentable candidate in Valle D’Aosta is called Augusto Arduino Rollandin and the list of Freelancers: was declared suspended as of March 28, 2018 from the position of regional councilor and vice president of the Aosta Valley Provincial Council, by decree of the president of the Council of Ministers of May 3, 2019. This is due to the sentence imposed on the aforementioned Candidate for four years and six months in prison and disqualification from public office for a period of five years, for being found guilty of the crimes referred to in articles 319 and 321 of the Penal Code.
September 17, 2020 (change September 17, 2020 | 18:44)