Published on: 09/21/2020 6:36 PM
Eugenio Giani wins in Tuscany and Michele Emiliano is confirmed in Puglia. Luca Zaia triumphs in Veneto and Vincenzo De Luca does the same in Campania. These are some of the verdicts issued by the regional elections. It ends in a tie between the center-left and the center-right in the 6 Regions with ordinary statute that went to vote.
TUSCANY – In Tuscany, a stronghold of the left, when 3,345 of the 3,397 seats were scrutinized, the center-left candidate Eugenio Giani had 48.65% of the votes, compared to 40.38% for the center-right candidate Susanna Ceccardi. Turnover in Tuscany was 62.6%, equivalent to 1,870,379 voters.
PUGLIA – In Puglia, when 1,682 sections out of 4,026 were examined, the outgoing Governor Michele Emiliano is 47.07%, while the center-right candidate Raffaele Fitto has 38.59%. The M5S candidate Antonella Laricchia, according to data from the Ministry of the Interior, is 11.2%.
VENETO – The predictions were confirmed in Veneto where, according to data available on the Viminale website, when 3,272 sections out of 4,751 were scrutinized, the outgoing governor of the League, Luca Zaia, triumphed with 76.12%, while the candidate of center-left Arturo Lorenzoni was stops at 16.22%.
CAMPANIA – In Campania, when 1,736 out of 5,827 sections were scrutinized, according to data from the Interior Ministry, Vincenzo De Luca, outgoing center-right governor, dominates with 68.67% of the votes, while center-right challenger Stefano Caldoro it stops at 16.98%. Third Valeria Ciarambino of the M5, with 11.36%.
LIGURIA – In Liguria, when 1,571 sections out of 1,795 were examined, the outgoing center-right governor Giovanni Toti was at 56.06%, while Ferruccio Sansa, candidate of the Pd and M5S, was at 39.01%.
MARKET – According to data provided by the Marche Region, when 796 sections out of 1,576 were scrutinized, the center-right candidate Francesco Acquaroli was at 48.95% while the center-left candidate Maurizio Mangialardi was at 37.12%. Gian Mario Mercorelli is at 8.72% and Roberto Mancini at 2.51%. Both are backed by two civic lists.
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