Regional elections: Salvini no longer breaks through, Meloni not yet


Stefano Montesi – Corbis via Getty Images

ROME, ITALY – JUNE 02: The leader of Fratelli d’Italia Giorgia Meloni (L) and the leader of the Lega Matteo Salvini (R) attend a demonstration against the Italian government while phase two of the exit plan from the blockade of elevation continues on June 2, 2020 in Rome. Italy. The protest organized by the Lega political party, Fratelli d’Italia and Forza Italia is to express concern about the economic problems related to the coronavirus pandemic. (Photo by Stefano Montesi – Corbis / Getty Images)

And in the end, the disputable was not Tuscany but the leadership of Matteo Salvini. For the second time the Captain stumbles in an attempt to conquer the “red fort”: after Lucia Borgonzoni in Emilia Romagna, not even the “lioness” Susanna Ceccardi can do it. Two women, two styles, two different electoral campaigns, it is much softer so as not to scare the moderates, two failures. The car that from via Bellerio, the historic Milanese headquarters of the Lega, was supposed to roar to Florence at night to claim the end of the left dominion over Tuscany, remains with the engine off in the courtyard.

The air that blows can already be understood around four thirty. When the gap between Ceccardi and rival Eugenio Giani opens up at the intersection of the first polls and the polls: from one point advantage (for her) to two, four, six (for him). Two hours later between Giani and Ceccardi there is a gap of seven points, between Michele Emiliano and Raffaele Fitto in Puglia – the other region given by the center-right more than by contest, almost to be taken – a chasm of nine points. The League closes in gloomy silence. The triumphant “catwalk” quickly turns into an icy shower. Lorenzo Fontana, Salvinian plenipotentiary in Veneto in which “the only certainty – joking on social networks – is that Luca Zaia will not exceed 100%”, puts face. But to say that perhaps the elections of the Melonian Fitto and the blue Stefano Caldoro in Campania (in addition, two eternal returns) were not very appreciated by the voters of the Carroccio: “A reflection is opened in the center-right, in the South we need a new language and people “. An invitation to “renewal” perhaps well founded, but out of time. In Puglia, however, Giorgia Meloni’s lists conquer two figures: 10%, the same percentage that the Lega enjoys in those places. These are the first signs of the confrontation that will open tomorrow in the center-right: Fratelli d’Italia will rule the Marches with Francesco Acquaroli, but it is a long way from the photo-auction with the outgoing governor of Apulia (and at this point of return) Emiliano, a much tougher bone in the field than he might appear in the polls.

And therefore, on the right, the Piave line becomes not the one that won but the one that lost the least. Salvini is lame: his National League project on the Lepenian model does not make its way, responsible tones and the absence of incursions into the intercom do not reward him. In the North, the only forecast that is respected is the one that sees Zaia above 70% – currently around 75% – with his personal list, although “snatched” from the most valuable pieces as advisers and councilors, around 47% In other words, let’s say that the official party lists, which are around 15%, tripled. An expected but no less painful plebiscite for the national secretariat, although Fontana is quick to deny the dualisms. In the south, the electoral contribution of the Padan troops is not very influential. Who knows what Umberto Bossi will say about it, and with him the “old guard” who would not have changed the name of the party, much less the goal of the secession. While former Minister Gian Marco Centinaio diverts attention – and discouragement – to the referendum: “It’s a pity the defeat, many leaders of the League were in favor of No”. Too little to be considered a challenge to the Captain, but the closest thing to a criticism of his line is a “leader” party, as the Lega has expressed in recent years.

For his part, Giorgia Meloni, after an electoral campaign and a referendum in the name of caution, decides to screw up. First circumscribe the field of play: “Victory! The Marks are dyed in Tricolor ”. Then he throws hay on the farmhouse: “From north to south, the FdI is the only party that is growing.” You have played less, you have less to regret, the dealer did not take it, but so be it. “We were fundamental to winning the referendum. We want a presidential reform. But only a Parliament legitimized by the vote will be able to do it ”. In the background is Forza Italia, which floats in a range between 6 and 7%: there is no dreaded defeat – the stampede would have occurred below 5% – but without a doubt the Berlusconian party remains marginal in this party and its parliamentarians. they are already reflecting on the future.

Which, at the moment, does not seem radiant. To the point of putting in the freezer the enthusiasm for the victory of Yes in the referendum on the reduction of parliamentarians -excluding the Melonians- and crushing the first exhortations in favor of “vote now.” In fact, with what coalition hierarchy would we go to the elections? And with which main candidate? Salvini is exhausted, very tired after an electoral campaign in which – it must be admitted – he was not physically saved, undermined by the “Doge” and his links with the productive and business world of the North, surrounded by financial scandals, awaited by investigations and Processes. Meloni missed the opportunity to reverse the weight of the two parties, or at least rebalance it, and they will have to wait a little longer. Silvio Berlusconi, despite his age and recent health problems, maintains his control over a Forza Italia niche, but is determined to prevail in the next battles (mainly the electoral law).

“Thanks to the millions of Italians who have trusted us – Salvini tweets at night – From tomorrow the League and the center-right will be in charge of 15 regions out of 20. And even where we could not, all working with a objective, to protect and make our beautiful Italy grow. ”An ecumenical, dialoguing and even peaceful message, to reflect that of Nicola Zingaretti, who however could not hide from the Nazarene – and it was only five in the afternoon – a big smile. Starting tomorrow for the Democratic Party and the government, the game – not easy – of the “reform season”, the electoral law, the demands of those who want to weigh more will open. In the center-right, however, the confrontation.
