Regional elections in Tuscany, exit polls: Giani 44-48%, Ceccardi 41-45% / LIVE


Florence, September 20, 2020 – Regional elections in Tuscany, here we are. The count that will lead to the election of the new president of Region and the composition of the regional council (forty councilors who will enter). (CLICK HERE TO SEE ALL THE DEFINITIVE INFLUENCES). The first exit polls give Giani before Ceccardi about three points. The count will begin after the referendum on the cut of parliamentarians. Curiosity: Photo card at the polling station, risk of arrest. / The bride and groom at the polling station after the “yes” – Follow the live feed with us below.

16.11 HERE GIANI: many journalists but few political representatives on the electoral committee of the center-left candidate Eugenio Giani, at the Casa della Cultura in via Forlanini, in Florence, next to the headquarters of the Tuscan Democratic Party. The staff has made it known that Giani is following the voting result at home. You should arrive at the election committee around 6pm.

16.04 HERE FIVE STARS: Candidate Irene Galletti goes to Rai’s attack with a pole on Facebook, accusing the public network of having obscured their presence by reducing the vote in Tuscany to the Giani-Ceccardi challenge. “It’s an embarrassment for Rai with open polls. The headlines of the TGR report that aired at 2pm spoke”challenge Giani-Ceccardi“Effectively eliminating all other candidates and their constituents. With the polls open! An unjustifiable dislike, in no uncertain terms. in Rai Supervision. As if that were not enough, after realizing what they did, they deleted the post. “

15.42 – HERE CECCARDI: Susanna Ceccardi is currently following the results from home to Cascina, then you must arrive at the headquarters in Florence, not before 17.30. Meanwhile, the coordinator of the League Belotti talks about the elections in Veneto: “We have restored the Serenissima, Zaia is the new Doge.”

3.19 pm HERE FIVE STARS: here m5s: The first billboards of the election campaign but the hall remains empty. The candidate Irene Galletti should arrive shortly, warns election staff. But press blackout until 5 pm, with pentastelado leaders asking deputies and candidates not to comment on the exit polls until the projections scheduled for mid-afternoon.

3.17 pm HERE GIANI: there is satisfaction in the center for the high participation. Below the video comment.


3.14 pm HERE GIANI: Niccolò Falomi responsible for the organization of Pd Firenze: “The turnout was consistently higher than in 2015, so we are very satisfied. We had a great electoral campaign, now we are waiting for the results “


15.29 HERE CECCARDI: Belotti (Lega Nord), “we will fight point by point until the end, the gap is minimal, we can do it. For the first time we make them sweat and this is already a satisfaction “

Mineral 15.28: According to the first instantaneous survey of Sky Tg 24, prepared by Youtrend, in Tuscany the center-left candidate has the advantage Eugenio Giani with the range of 41-45%. The center-right candidate ranks second Susanna ceccardi with fork 38-42%, follow the candidate of the 5 Star Movement Irene Galletti with 8-12%, while Tommaso fattori from Tuscany to the left gets 3-5%.

3.14 pm HERE FIVE STARS: the headquarters of the Five Stars is almost empty at the moment. Below, the photo.

The Sala dei Cinque Stelle to follow the count in Tuscany

Mineral 15.22: according to the first exit poll of the Opinio Italy Consortium for Rai, the center-left candidate in the regional elections in Tuscany Eugenio Giani he is at 43.5% -47.5% while the center-right candidate Susanna ceccardi it is 40-44% with a sample coverage of 80%.

The wait at Giani's headquarters

3.19 pm HERE GIANI: Niccolò Falomi responsible for the organization of Pd Firenze: “The turnout was consistently higher than in 2015, so we are very satisfied. We had a great electoral campaign, now we are waiting for the results “

15: 18h HERE CECCARDI: Mouths sewn to the moment. Nobody comments. Only Giovanni Donzelli (fdi) and Daniele Belotti, (curator), Lega Toscana) in the room


Mineral 15.10: in regional elections in Tuscany The candidate from the center left Eugenio Giani would have an advantage of approximately 3 percentage points over the center-right opponent Susanna ceccardi: second Tecnè’s survey of intentions issued by Mediaset Giani would be around 44-48% e Ceccardi at a fork between 41 and 45%. The M5 candidate Irene Galletti it is estimated between 4.5 and 8.5%.

Mineral 15.07: According to the survey Heaven the center-left candidate for governor of Tuscany, Eugenio Giani, is ahead in the regional elections. At the moment Giani has a consensus between 41 and 45% against 38-42% of the candidate for center-right governor, Susanna Ceccardi.


The wait at Susanna Ceccardi's headquarters


In 2015 the center left with Enrico Rossi they reached 48.02% of the preferences and conquered the Region. Claudio Borghi (Lega Nord and Fratelli d’Italia) obtained 20.2% of the votes (the center-right came out divided). Giacomo Giannarelli of the Five Star Movement reached 15.05% of the votes. While Stefano mugnai, for Forza Italia and Lega Toscana, it obtained 9.10% of the votes. Tommaso fattori Left obtained 6.28%. Between the parties, the P.S took 46.3%, League he 16.1, he Five Star Movement in 15.1 while Go Italy 8.4%. Brothers of Italy won 3.8%.
