In Puglia, the center-right candidate Raffaele Fitto is in front of everyone. The indication comes from Nando Pagnoncelli’s survey published in Corriere della Sera on the regional elections in Puglia. The rent is given at 41% while the outgoing governor, Michele Emiliano, of the center left, is at 39.4%. Head to head. Very far the candidate of Moviemento 5 Stelle Antonella Laricchia with 15.6% and Ivan Scalfarotto supported by Italia VIva with 1.6%.
Among the lists of Pd (18%) and Lega (17.5%) they dispute the primacy, with Carroccio dreaming of the historic goal. They are followed by the M5S (17%), Fratelli d’Italia (12.9%), Forza Italia (7.5%) and the numerous lists of support for the outgoing president and his main rival.
“The sum of the lists that support Emiliano as a whole reaches 38.4% (that is, 1% less than the candidate’s voting intentions), while those that support Fitto amount to 42.4% ( 1.4% more). Likewise, the M5S would obtain more votes for the list than for its own candidate (1.4% more), which means that Emiliano in this phase is accepting the divided vote of a part of the voters of the contrary lists that express their appreciation in the comparisons, and they are not few: in fact, the survey shows that 45% of the pentastellati express their satisfaction with the outgoing president, as well as 18% of the voters of the center right. And it is no coincidence that in recent days Emiliano has addressed an appeal to the voters of the M5S to invite them to vote separately. In the situation of great uncertainty that characterizes the elections in Apulia, in addition to voting separately, participation, currently estimated at 55%, and the role of the undecided which today represent 15.5% “, writes Pagnoncelli in the Corriere.