Region Seeking Health IT and Social Workers – Click January 7


On January 7 will be the clickday of health: from 3:00 p.m. the telematics platform will be active that will allow you to participate in the call to recruit technicians, computer technicians, social workers and administrative workers to be employed in all the companies of the system regional health system in the context of the Covid Sicilia emergency. The participation of more than 20,000 candidates is expected. There is time until 11:59 p.m. on January 10. The ranking will be made based on that date and the filing date – the faster you register, the higher you will be in the rankings.

The initiative, promoted by the Ministry of Health, aims to draw up a list of professionals to meet the needs of the companies and commissioners involved in the pandemic and a few hundred will be hired, to be used especially in the vaccination campaign.

The Policlinico di Messina ‘Martino’, identified as the leading company, will prepare the registration form in the competitions section of the website, which will be accessible to participate in the call for applications reserved for graduates and graduates.

Selection involves the assignment of coordinated and continuous or autonomous collaboration jobs for Professional Administrative Collaborator, Professional Educator, Professional Collaborating Social Worker, Engineering Collaborator, Technical Assistant, IT Expert, Administrative Assistant. Specific requirements are required for each professional figure.

The selected professionals, based on the profiles, will support the monitoring, uploading and data development activities on national, regional and corporate platforms. They will also support all activities related to the anticovide vaccination plan and any additional action for the implementation of the measures provided for by current legislation to deal with the pandemic.

The duration of the transfer is linked to the state of health emergency and, in any case, to the entire duration of the vaccination campaign.

The lists of professionals will be prepared based on the date and time of submission of the application. It will be possible to register until 11:59 p.m. on January 10, 2021.
