Reggio, the investigation of the poisoning of the manager who investigated the accounts of the Asp


No element of the deposited report would be issued to corroborate the hypothesis. Campolo passed away on September 25, 2018 after an illness

REGGIO CALABRIA The investigation opened by the Public Ministry of Reggio Calabria on the alleged poisoning of the Consulate of Campolo, the administrative executive at the head of a working group that investigated in 2018 on anomalies in the budget of the ASP of Reggio Calabria, whose deficit is still unknown , goes to the archive. . Campolo died in September 2018 from an illness that doctors classified as a heart attack. But immediately doubts and suspicions arose about that death. Doubts and suspicions accompanied by a media uproar (resumed in recent weeks, when the Calabrian health system ended up in the spotlight of the national media) that convinced the judicial offices to carry out investigations to reconstruct what happened the night that Campolo He arrived at the Reggio Calabria emergency room in precarious condition and later lost his life. The report requested by the Prosecutor’s Office was presented approximately a month ago and would not have provided elements to corroborate the intoxication hypothesis regarding which, as has been known, even the administrator’s family has always had strong doubts, although obviously considering it necessary to throw out some light on the matter. Now, after two years of speculation (especially media) about the facts, the decision of the Prosecutor’s Office was finally able to put a first firm point on the case. And the report – whose completion has been repeatedly requested by prosecutors – will help clarify what happened on the night of September 25, 2018, when Campolo, after a dinner at the restaurant, began to feel the illness that took him to the emergency room. The manager, after the progressive deterioration of his condition, died during the night.
Among others, Massimo Scura has also heralded suspicions about the death of Campolo, appointed by the former commissioner of the amortization plan to analyze the accounts of the health company.
