Castelnovo Sotto (Reggio Emilia), December 26, 2020 – Tragedy on the road at Christmas, a Castelnovo Sotto, where on Christmas afternoon the skid of a car caused death of a 23-year-old and the wound of a 31-year-old young man, both residents of the area. It happened shortly after 4 p.m. A Fiat Punto first crashed into a concrete power line pole, which was knocked over, and then stopped in the small ditch next to the road. Alarm to 118 immediately, that sent ambulances, self-doctors and firefighters to via Prato Bovino, on the outskirts of Castelnovo Sotto.
Christmas hailstorm bleaches the plain in the Reggio area
The conditions of one of the injured immediately appeared very serious. The death occurred shortly after reaching Santa Maria Nuova in Reggio. However, it is not life threatening. a second driver that he was in the same car. Surveys carried out by the Gattatico carabinieri. At the time of the accident in the area a hail storm was in progress, with the muddy asphalt that would have favored the skidding of the car.
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