Reggio Calabria, the police verify compliance with regulations against coronavirus
In relation to the provisions of the ministerial decree and by order of the president of the Calabria region, the attention is always high and the commitment of Policeman in the control activities of prescriptions placed to protect public health for him withcontagion of Covid-19. Such control activities are also carried out by irrigation the administrative penalties provided. In recent days, nIn the city center, UPGSP staff in the territorial control service has administratively sanctioned 30 people because they did not wear the protective mask. Further, personal of the State Police in service in the Administrative and Social Division has sanctioned and closed for 5 days a’sit down businessa in the CGaribaldi bear, in front of which a large number of people stood, most without protection device individual, story safety for public health is not guaranteed. At a time when the health emergency increases worryingly, it is absolutely necessary that everyone adopt an attitude of deep responsibility in social behavior. the primary The objective of guaranteeing the protection of public health goes above all from the implementation of responsible behavior of citizens and degin the performing production activities.