Reggio Calabria, the official newsletter of the GOM and the point of the situation from the Reggio hospital
The situation remains under control. Without panic or alarmism, the Great Metropolitan Hospital from Reggio calabria brilliantly guided by Eng. Iole Fantozzi faces the pandemic of SARS-CoV-2 in an excellent way. Some departments have been in trouble for a few days, but this is not the Covid area, nor does the difficulty depend on a high influx of Coronavirus patients, but on a chronic shortage of staff. In the Ospedali Riuniti pavilion reserved for the Covid Area there are 89 hospitalized. Of these, only 5 are in intensive care, where chief physician Dr. Sebastiano macheda to the microphones of StrettoWeb confirms that “there have been no new hospitalizations for a few days“. The others are distributed as follows: 49 are in ordinary hospitalization in the Infectious Diseases Operational Unit, 35 in Pneumology, as explained in the latest official Hospital bulletin issued a few minutes ago. To understand how limited these numbers are, It is good to remember that today the GOM is the only Covid Hospital in the entire province of Reggio Calabria and, therefore, it is called to serve well. 556 thousand inhabitants. The positives throughout the province are 2,483, So, the 96.4% he is asymptomatic or paucisymptomatic and is in home isolation. Just the rest 3.6% is in the hospital, of which 0.2% in intensive care.
In light of these data, the GOM is still in the “scenario 1” envisaged by the anti-Covid plan drawn up by the hospital. This is the basic scenario with the Covid area specially enabled since last spring in Riuniti and completely isolated from the rest of the hospital, in building E. In this scenario there are 111 places available: 102 for ordinary hospitalization and 9 for intensive care. It means that we have 4 beds available in intensive care and 13 in ordinary wards: therefore, we are still below the threshold to pass the scenario to the next “2”. in the GOM everything is ready with a new remodeling of the intensive care posts in the same room. The “scenario 2” could lead the GOM to 123 seats reserved for Covid-19 positive patients, of which 15 in intensive care and 108 in ordinary hospitalization. The transition could take place in the coming days, if the number of hospitalized patients increases further.
The situation, however, I might even go back in: the unblocking of the procedure to identify other peripheral hospitals in the province of Reggio where it is possible to receive GMO patients who have overcome the disease and are clinically cured, but still have a positive swab so they cannot be discharged according to ministerial protocols. In this, in an interview last week with StrettoWeb, the commissioner Fantozzi He said that “in the ward we have many patients who have recovered, about twenty, but we cannot discharge them because they are still positive. They are clinically cured people, they have no symptoms, they have overcome the infection brilliantly, but they are still positive for the swab and therefore, according to the protocols, we cannot discharge them. This is the only current critical issue: we need to change the beds to cope with the new hospitalizations we have on a weekly basis, but if we have to keep patients already cured it becomes more difficult. The hospital should not be confused with a hotel, we are already the only structure for the entire Province … “.
Primary tonight Macheda confirms that in ordinary hospitalization there are several beds that can be released shortly with transfer to other peripheral structures, because they are already clinically cured although they are still positive for the swab and the news the activation of 40 Covid beds at the Gioia Tauro Hospital It is extraordinary in this sense: finally the GOM will have the possibility of decongesting the ordinary medicine departments, being able to have a structure in the province for less severe patients and thus remaining in “scenario 1”, the most peaceful.
Regarding the availability of beds in the GOM, it is good to remember that the hospital management has also planned how to deal with the most extreme situation with the “scenario 3“Which provides for the use of ordinary and intensive care places outside Building E” Covid Building “.”By November 10, 2020, according to the works schedule, will be available n. 12 new intensive care places (which at the end of the epidemic will be configured as Postoperative Intensive Care Unit) in the old CTMO room Non-Covid ICU patients will be transferred to these places, freeing up to 16 places for Covid patients in intensive care“Explained the commissioner Fantozzi. To complete the seasons provided by scenario 3, the “Transfer of the Department of Orthopedics to the former Department of Oncology (already transferred to Morelli) with transformation of the 28 places into infectious diseases with high intensity of care adjacent to the existing Covid ICUIn this way, for the eventual scenario 3 in the GOM they will be fine 158 beds available, of which 22 in intensive care and 136 in ward. These are huge figures, almost double the current figures (and more than four times more in intensive care): an extreme situation that we hope we will not have to face, also in light of the latest encouraging data in the face of a flattening of the curve. epidemiological and a slowdown in infection.

Photo StrettoWeb / Salvatore Dato
Compared to numerous hoaxes and fake news circulated on social media in recent days regarding a phantom situation “to collapse“From the Ospedali Riuniti, evidently artistically created by some jocular panic that only the brain has collapsed, it is necessary to highlight how the only problem it is creating a little trouble in hospital services it is exclusively linked to the contagion of some health workers, nurses, technicians and Oss not because of the consequences on their health (almost all asymptomatic), but because of the inability to go to work for a long period until buffering. Those who contract the coronavirus, even if they only have a slight sore throat, are forced by ministerial protocols to stay home at best for 15 to 20 days, in some cases 30, that is, until the negative swab and then determine other situations staff shortage compared to that available, in a context of already chronic difficulties. It’s certainly not the pandemic that reminds us that the United States exists personnel difficulties.
The unforgivable delay in tenders for hiring new operators did the rest: it is not the first time in history that some departments have problems due to lack of staff. Different on this occasion is the anger at the lack of preparation for the second wave of the pandemic, widely predicted by all experts, by the structure of national commissioners in the hands of Bows, which only in mid-October published with a long delay the tenders that allowed the release of all machinery and personnel activities.
In any case, at the GOM the director of Covid, Dr. Carmelo Mangano has developed the guidelines for the clinical aspect, which have already provided important feedback in patients with SARS-CoV-2:
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