Reggio Calabria: the arrests refer to two associations targeting the illicit trafficking of narcotic drugs or psychotropic substances, the illicit trafficking and possession of drugs, attempted extortion, aggravated kidnapping, aggravated personal injury, receipt of stolen property, illegal possession and carrying a weapon common fire, illegal possession and carrying of clandestine weapons
This morning, the soldiers of the Carabinieri Provincial Command of Reggio Calabria, assisted by the Hunting Helicopter Squad, the Vibo Valentia Canine Nucleus and the Compagnia de Monza and Villafranca di Verona Command, under the coordination of the Prosecutor’s Office – Directorate Distrital Antimafia – Reggio Calabria, led by Attorney General Giovanni Bombardieri, implemented an order for the application of precautionary measures against 19 people (17 in prison and 2 obligations to present to the PG).
The measures issued by the GIP of the Court of Reggio Calabria, Dr. Arianna Raffa, at the request of the competent District Anti-Mafia Directorate (Assistant Prosecutors Dr. Walter Ignazitto and Dr. Diego Capece Minutolo), refer to two associations aimed at the illicit trafficking of Narcotic or psychotropic substances, production, trafficking and illegal possession of narcotics, attempted extortion, aggravated kidnapping, aggravated personal injury, receipt of stolen goods, illegal possession and carrying of common firearms, illegal possession and carrying of clandestine weapons. Below are the recipients:
(in jail)
- CHILLINO Luigi, born in Reggio Calabria on 08/05/1985;
- AZZAZI Anouar, born in Casablanca (Morocco) on August 22, 1984, detained in the Cosenza prison;
- PHOTOS Andrea, born in Reggio Calabria on 15.5.1981;
- SELLAK Imaddin, born in Reggio Calabria on 4.1.1999, detained in Reggio Calabria prison;
- PHOTOS Gabriele, born in Reggio Calabria on 2.10.1992, detained in Reggio Calabria prison;
- PHOTOS Stefano, born in Reggio Calabria on 1.7.1972;
- PHOTOS Demetrio, born in Reggio Calabria on 3.1.1994;
- ROOSTER Vincenzo, born in Reggio Calabria on 19.1.1989, placed under house arrest in Reggio Calabria;
- CAT Carmelo, born in Reggio Calabria on January 27, 1989;
- IDONE Pasquale, born in Reggio Calabria on 7/28/1989;
- FROSINONE Antonino, born in Reggio Calabria on 12/26/1993;
- AMRANI Anas, born in Isola della Scala (VR) on May 28, 1998;
- CHILLINO José, born in Reggio Calabria on March 19, 1965;
- SARICA Antonio, born in Reggio Calabria on 11/28/1988;
- Andrea PENNICA, he was born in Reggio Calabria on 8.12.1998;
- MIRISCIOTTI Gianluca, born in Reggio Calabria on 11/14/1989;
- LAROCCA Alessandro, born in Reggio Calabria on 12.6.1993;
(daily obligation to submit to the GP)
- BALATSYR Viktoriya, born in Kremenchuk (Ukraine) on February 15, 1998;
- REPACI Sebastiano, Born in Reggio Calabria on 12.17.1986.
The research activity, carried out by the Compagnia di Reggio Calabria by October 2017 a March 2020, made it possible to highlight the existence of two different criminal groups dedicated to the sale of drugs, which operate in a non-competitive manner in neighboring areas of the Sbarre district:

the first, made up of numerous affiliates and organized systemically in the markets of the populous Rione Guarna / Caridi, which, under the direction of CHILLINO Luigi me FOTI Gabriele, would have a non-rudimentary structure, characterized by:
- identification of an operational base with assignment of specific roles to each of the associates;
- Arrangement of shifts at basically fixed hours to guard the places of detention and sale of goods with relative payment “salary”;
- regular accounting, specifically transcribed;
- use of operational users, on behalf of third parties and with the aim of transmitting directives and indications about the activity to be carried out, including through the use of post-its and “pizzini”;
- adoption of a conventional language for the exchange of messages between associates;
the second, more limited from a numerical point of view, although “characterized by less operational means and dedicated to drug transactions of more modest value“, Under the direction of SARICA Antonio entertaining relationships with subjects of high criminal caliber close to families of locals’ Ndrangheta TEGANO and MOLINETTI, operating since 2017, in a systematic and professional manner, in addition to locating its base of operations in a not modest area between the area of the city of Rione Sbarre and Viale Calabria.
The history from which the investigations are developed is a kidnapping for extortion purposes, which took place in September 2017, against two minors, one of which convict of having committed the theft of a non-negligible quantity of narcotic to the detriment of the organization, which he later sold to MIRISCIOTTI Gianluca. In greater detail, the kidnappers were identified as Giuseppe CHILLINO, Anouar AZZAZI, Gabriele and Andrea FOTI, who deprived the two minors of their personal freedom, forcing them to remain, for an appreciable time, inside a house located in via Bolzano and even in a basement on Viale Europa: the suspects also threatened the two minors with the use of weapons, in addition to tying and gagging them with the intention of forcing them to confess to the withdrawal of the drug and to impose restitution or, in any case, payment of the counter value.
The victims were only released thanks tointervention by SARICA Antonio who promised to assume “own”His debt, paying the sum in favor of the kidnappers.
According to what emerged within the research activity, the subjects that gravitated around the figure of CHILLINO had organized themselves in order to ensure, in the area of the store, a constant control of the territory, establishing shifts to protect the activity commercial and secondary. the guidelines provided by group leaders through a “guardian”.
The research also shed light on accounting maintained by the group of drug traffickers, having emerged that they used to write down daily drug transactions on handwritten sheets in which, although completely rudimentary, they kept a kind of balance of activity, in order to monitor donation reports. / I have each one “upstart”.
In the shop square – in April 16, 2018 – In fact, the operators have found, inside a ruin, several banknotes “,post it“AND”pizzini“With numbers and letters, with clear references to the doses of drug sold and the person who proceeded with the related sale.
The group, to exchange messages and information on what to do in order to avoid any external identification, used “operational users hidden“, As they are often formally registered in the name of non-EU citizens (not reside in the Reggio area) but actually used, as verified by the operators and that they leave no margin for the identification of the true talkers, attributable to today’s researchers.
In particular, the scheme adopted by the members of the group was to use the mentioned users to mainly exchange text messages with more or less cryptic content, where the conversationalists, in order not to be immediately identified, used their own epithets (“Mole “,” Lawyer “,” Center “) And contains “service communications”.
The investigations revealed that the group had expansionist aims that led some of the associates to move to the national territory and develop part of their commercial activity in another region, namely, Veneto, where it was able to count on the support of some associates and members of the family.
The second criminal group attributable to the aforementioned SARICA Antonio was characterized by the systematic and professional dedication of its members to the sale of goods. They operated in an organized context, characterized by the presence of wholesalers capable of guaranteeing the constant supply of medicines (mainly “marijuana”) and able to satisfy the requests of a large number of regular and loyal customers. The affiliates spoke – for the supply of the drug – also with representatives of the local ‘Ndrangheta families, delighting in the recognition attributed to them by the local ndrine and move with agility in the criminal undergrowth of Reggio to replenish daily and frantically with the drug that will be put on the market.
The main and most dynamic members of the association are Antonio SARICA (said Totò), Andrea PENNICA (said “Barone” The “Anderson”) E Gianluca MIRISCIOTTI (said “baby“). The interceptions describe them as subjects that move synergistically through the territory, acquiring narcotic substances (mainly”marijuana”, without disdaining the “cocaine“) For retail resale.
In the course of the investigations, it became known that the three turned to certain reference wholesalers and subsequently turned to small shops, using proven and professional methods.
Also with regard to this second criminal group, the territory on which the same works have been delimited, comprised between Via Sbarre Centrali and Viale Calabria di Reggio Calabria, more in detail within that area, some places have been identified, conventionally designated as “the park“,”the low wall“,”The pole“, Which constitute the meeting point or the place of hiding of the narcotic substance or of the sums of money obtained in the store.
In the course of the activity, a total of arrest in the act of crime no. 16 persons, reported sln 5 people and administratively reported 12 people for drug use. Furthermore, from the technical captures and findings made, the general narcotic substance that emerged in the investigation is related to marijuana (total weight greater than 8 kg at the market price of 3 euros per gr.) and cocaine (total weight greater than about 250 grams at a price of 70 euros per gr.).
Reggio Calabria: 19 arrests for various crimes, images of the Sbarre operation [VIDEO]