Reggio Calabria, Councilor Nucera on StrettoWeb: “I will explain why I postponed the start of schools. If we can, we advance to Saturday 26”


19 September 2020 10:42

Reggio Calabria, the start of the school year postponed 4 days: concerns and controversies about the election that, however, the municipal councilor Anna Nucera claims with conviction. Her words to the StrettoWeb microphones

The decision of the City Council of Reggio Calabria that yesterday, with a special order signed by the mayor Falcomatà, has decided to postpone the opening of schools from September 24 to 28, has made a lot of noise and unleashed discontent, concerns and controversy. The most important question raised by some experts is the risk of compromising the validity of the school year, whose calendar is defined by the Regions and that this year in Calabria is already very tight because it hardly foresees 202 days of real lessons. Just two more than him 200 school days required by law.

We illustrate the problems to the Councilor for Education of the Municipality of Reggio Calabria, Anna Nucera, who kept us away from “have made this choice independently, even if the ordinance was signed by the mayor. I was the one who decided and I take full responsibility for it. On the subject of the compulsory 200 school days, in our case the problem would only arise for Saturday 26 and I can tell you that if things go well, that is, if the scrutiny times are not too long and if we manage to clean up all the premises. Leaving nothing to chance, we will anticipate the reopening on Saturday 26th so as not to fall below 200 days. In any case, Thursday and Friday are closed because we have those two days more than the Regional school calendar gives and I think it is correct to use them in that case, call it excess of caution, of responsibility, but I know how the elections work, I have seen so many This time the count will begin on Tuesday morning and there are 32 lists, it is not like the Yes No referendum that will take place in a few hours. Hopefully they will arrive at least late at night. I think it is necessary to guarantee the safety of our children, we must disinfect, sanitize, ventilate the premises, one day is not enough, we need a few more. If we succeed, we anticipate the reopening at 26 but we will see it on the way“.

About school calendar, the councilor explains that “as the note Miur prot. north. 1000 of 2012, it must be considered that the validity of the school year is in any case without prejudice, even when due to force majeure consisting of unforeseeable and programmable events, it falls below 200 school days due to the union ordinances of closure of the schools. This rule refers mainly to weather warnings, but I think that being in the middle of a pandemic, with the Government extending the state of emergency until October 15, this situation of ours falls within these unpredictable and programmable cases, because the classrooms must be cleaned up. . after the elections due to the pandemic, so if we lose these days, even if they drop below 200, we will have to validate the school year regardless“.

The theme of “predictability and programmability” of the elections is certainly controversial, why that a vote was held on September 20 and 21 has been known for more than two months: It is no coincidence that we have already written numerous articles on StrettoWeb when the government set this date for the elections despite being all electoral appointments already postponed for more than six months and despite having all the time to plan them identifying a date that does not cause inconvenience to the schools. It was May 27 when the governor of Liguria All he said: “I would like to understand who is the scientist who wants six Regions and hundreds of municipalities to vote on September 20 or even 27. But those who govern and those who sit in Parliament know that in September, after months and months of closure, the schools will reopen? “. His Emilia Romagna counterpart Bonaccini he repeated: “It was necessary to vote before September 13, but the Government did not listen to the requests of the Regions“.

The problem, therefore, was born upstream: our heroes Conte, Azzolina and company turned a deaf ear to the requests of the territories, which they later decided on their own. In the Central / North Regions, schools have already been open since September 14 and now they will close for the elections, in the South all the Regions had indicated next week. In Calabria there was a motion approved by the Regional Council with the favorable vote of the 16 councilors present to request postpone the start of the school year to 28 but only for the institutions that will be polling stations. It would probably have been the best choice, thus differentiating between the schools that are seated and those that are not, and avoiding downloading the problem to the municipalities. But the regional council did not listen to the request of the councilors and we have already written about this as well, stigmatizing how political theater jeopardizes the start of the school year.

The last wheel of the cart, victim of the unfortunate decisions first of the Government and then of the Region, it is each Municipality that in the end is doing what it pleases, according to its own territorial needs. And in Reggio, the Administration has chosen to close all schools, even those in which there will be no voting “:We are talking about a few days, it is better to go all together ” explains the commissioner Nucera. “The schools will remain open on those days in their administrative functions, in the secretariats, but those that are not places are very few. However, the mayor also asked me why we couldn’t differentiate between seated and unseated schools, and I took on this responsibility. I decided to make this choice as a precaution, in February I had already suspended some activities because I had guessed what was going to be unleashed, and they made fun of me. Now I prefer to keep my attention and do my best to avoid other problems. The responsibility for this decision is all mine, I hope that no one wants to use this argument for the electoral campaign, God forbid that almost someone tells me that we lose because of my election …

And the point of view of the Counselor Nucera it is totally acceptable: after six years in which the people of Reggio have suffered from all colors in the most heartfelt issues such as the lack of water in their homes, garbage, road safety, municipal taxes, care of the vegetation and much more . Even the very idea of ​​being able to discharge the responsibilities of a possible electoral defeat in a single decision taken in the public interest would be one more excuse for those who cannot face reality.
