Angela Marcianò He speaks for the first time since the elections, and he does so with a long letter to Reggio Calabria published on his Facebook profile and sent to the press by email. A deep and intense letter that narrates the feelings that the candidate for the civic and independent mayoral office felt during an electoral campaign of cheap coups and malice, denying any possible agreement in view of the ballot and going back over all the key steps of her commitment to the city. Below is the full text of the letter:
What I owe you REGGIO
in terms of gratitude and consistency: WE are the first “party”!
My dear REGGIO, it was wonderful fighting for you!
I did it for your best children, for mothers, for children, for the elderly, for those who, while they loved you, had to leave you.
Our election campaign through the city smelled of pride and pride in the name of Reggina’s true identity.
But, as I have always done, today more than ever I must reiterate what I have said in all public offices, without taking a step back in front of anything or anyone, even when my uncomfortable commitment has brought me the price of strong and unjust personal consequences. .
The “Ndrangheta” and deviant Freemasonry continue to determine the fate of the city, but this time, as never before in Reggio’s history, only we, with our lonely courage as an isolated people, have degraded and humiliated them, even if there is lack of strength to defeat them.
We have ridiculed all those who have tried to belittle the disruptive force of our message of freedom and independence.
Now, with the electoral campaign over, I can only “thank” all those who have censored each of the daily initiatives aimed at finding an alternative for the good of the city.
We have been surrounded by hostility and ostracism, nothing concerning us has been published or disseminated and our ideas spread, if not only the vulgar and gratuitous offenses that others have directed us instrumentally!
Not a word was wasted or written about our program, about our initiatives nothing was made known to the community, the strategy of silence was the stage used to thwart our heroic battle!
I do not hide my disappointment towards those who have lent themselves (and I thank the very few who have not done so) to certain electoral baseness, doing a bad service to the City Council, and if I do not excuse them because they have betrayed their ethics, I understand it without being able to justify their condition of submission to strong political “powers” that do not make them free.
I then respond with a sympathetic smile to various attempts to undermine my credibility, assigning myself, as appropriate, improbable labels, from time to time, for the center-right coalition, as an organic communist in the PD, and, for the coalition. center-left, fascist. For the second round, on the other hand, both coalitions would do very well!
How can I forget the people who fought me, and then prostituted themselves and put themselves at the service of the current Mayor, fattening his crude brigade, by the promise of a few crumbs of bread, poor beggars kneeling at the Dives table.
I also understand that, by not being able to upset the shift bosses, the self-styled feminists and pseudo-committees for equal opportunities (with the exclusion of a few voices) have “forgotten” to offer me their due solidarity, even in a simple statement. , after the pornographic attack on my person.
In the same way that the guarantors of minors, who have become such without even knowing that they are, evidently newly appointed, used to say that Marcianò exploits his son in the electoral campaign, and much because they portrayed him in a photo , smiling between mine. arms, when I was wearing an advertised t-shirt, which was the ingenious gift from my relatives!
Moral miseries of people without dignity who deceive themselves or rather pretend to have won!
The advertising posters of my initiatives were detached promptly as soon as I hung them, hundreds of posters were torn off to prevent people from coming to listen to me, because there was no space for the Marcianò, “you don’t have to show up here”, they said or left, friends of friends.
Even the video of the divided vote was ignored by the local electronic media and this had as a consequence that thousands of ballots were canceled and not as many votes were attributed to me for alleged formal irregularities, in the polling stations made up of families indicated by the current ones. municipal councilors.
The result that the opponents flaunted with proud confidence was only a solemnly evil figure’s account of an uneven jumble of people frightened by a young woman who laughed gracefully in her face every time and silenced her at every comparison. .
The national political leaders, just by chance, who came to Reggio at the expense of the parties to support and patronize them are the same ones who, rightly, first whispered about them in my presence, even in public places, underlining their manifest inability. .
The local leaders of the right and left parties, those who now declare the coram populo satisfied and have their “package” of votes on the abacus, say that they believe or rather want to make people believe that they have been confirmed by consensus popular. , while implicitly confessing that they are a flock without a shepherd, and do not forgive the contempt for their mayoral candidate.
But, if we did not lack the courage, unfortunately we did not have the time and the human and financial resources to get our message across to everyone. If only so many people had been freed from the need for a job, which the newly elected still promise without feeling ashamed, the whole old system would have been pulverized. Just look at the names of the candidates to see how many of them have been hired or are awaiting employment or some other benefit.
A rumor circulated in all circles, that is, voting for Marcianò was useless because at most it would have reached 3 percent of the votes; The City responded very differently, assigning me more than 13,000 preferences, when I competed with four support lists that, in total, consisted of only a hundred candidates, that is, one-sixth of the other camel troops, who lined up to more than six hundred candidates.
And then it is easy to see that the party, which was not even such, that obtained more votes, is not Forza Italia or the PD, but it is the ideal movement, without ideologies, at the head of which is a free woman named Angela Marcianò.
Now that the first shift is over, aware of past experiences, I will not fall into error again, and I will resist any compliment, rejecting proxies or departments, because experience teaches me that I would not be guaranteed the necessary autonomy to be able to change this device. corrupt and inefficient. As mayor-elect I would have revolutionized the gangrenous “system”, in any other capacity, I think my battle would be thwarted. I do not trust myself and therefore I do not want to expose myself to a new expulsion during my mandate, as has already happened by Mayor Falcomatà, just because a real desire for change and restoration of legality encouraged me.
For these reasons, I reject any possibility of appearance, under any condition.
I confirm with this choice, if anyone still doubts it, that I have never sought personal gain during my past experience as an administrator. Instead, I wanted the redemption of my city, which the past administration has already amply demonstrated that it neither wants nor cannot guarantee.
An absolute administrative and social disaster that lasted six years, characterized only by inefficiencies and unprecedented blatant favoritism. On the other political side, a courageous and disruptive election was needed to heal the so brutally torn fabric. Transformism and hypocrisy continue to prevail, arising from the irrefutable data of the evident numerical discrepancy between the preferences given to the candidates for councilors and the lower ones for the appointment of mayor, in both fields.
For the sake of clarity, in the last few days, despite having received several requests in this regard, I have deliberately not met with anyone for any negotiation or agreement of any kind! If I delayed writing it is solely and exclusively because I started working immediately and my students were waiting for me to take exams.
In order to fully understand the feeling that comes over me as I write these words, I invite you for a moment to watch the video of my last meeting in Piazza Duomo, a square full of wonderful and genuinely free people and not of troops peremptorily reminded of those gathered as anonymous soldiers without dignity.
Here and among us there were only happy people, who cried with emotion and pride, who prayed that the dream of the rebirth of the city would come true and would not feel sorry for an opportunity for their wallet.
I arrived at that scene running, almost flying, because I felt free, light and happy to have been able to give a face, a reason and a hope to so many good people who have given their preference to my name with conviction.
13,165 times thanks and thanks also to the thousands of voters who were unable, due to inexperience, to vote separately; that vote is valid for me anyway, because it is a vote for Reggio.
The votes they give me are votes of esteem, from the heart, without clients, without exchange of votes, without blackmail, without sponsors, with the censorship of almost all the press and above all without massondrangheta to act as director.
We have already won and I warmly thank my team and my working group, because only thanks to us has City for the first time in its recent history had and chosen an alternative, and at least in the first round the “system” stopped, putting him definitely in crisis.
An electoral experience has ended but a political adventure opens with a Commitment to Reggio whose birth I announce and which, in recent weeks, has found its safe cradle in a community pulsing in unison and anxious for nothing more. do not set out on an open road free of unseemly fellow travelers. Now there is the commitment of the City Council, and on this I assume the obligation to be a vigilant and tireless sentinel in the City Council. Our political project will continue mainly outside the walls of Palazzo San Giorgio, strong in the Power of Freedom and the Audacity of Independence.
Angela Marcianò