Reggio Calabria, all streets around Piazza Duomo closed to traffic from tomorrow for 6 days during the Feast of Our Lady of Consolation: parking and circulation bans, all DETAILS


10 September 2020 11:44

Reggio Calabria, all measurements for the six days of the Feast of the Virgin around Piazza Duomo: the details

The press office of the Municipality of Reggio calabria informs citizens of traffic changes due to religious celebrations in honor of the Feast of Our Lady of Consolation in the streets around Piazza Duomo. Manager, Salvatore zucco, explains a StrettoWeb that these are measures linked to the double need to enclose the Piazza Duomo and filter the entrance of people for the needs of anti-Covid social distancing

In the official document, the executive Zucco explains that “Considering the pec of 1.9.2020 of the Archdiocese of Reggio Calabria – Bova, acquired with prot. north. 146809 of 1.9.2020, with which the program of the religious celebrations of the Madonna della Consolazione is broadcast; Considering that, after a meeting at the Police Headquarters on 9.9.2020, it was decided to regulate the circulation in the affected areas and in the adjacent streets from 7:00 p.m. on Friday 09/11/2020 and until 8:00 a.m. on Wednesday 09/16/2020; Having remembered the art. 38 paragraph 3 of the new road code that allows the temporary placement of road signs to impose prescriptions in case of emergencies, emergencies and needs without prejudice to the provisions of articles 6 and 7 above; Considering articles 6 and 7 of Legislative Decree no. 285 of 04.30.92, with which the New Road Code was issued; Given the DDPR n ° 495 of 16.12.1992 and n. 610 of 09/16/1996; Given art. 107 of the Consolidated Law on the organization of Local Authorities issued with a Northern Legislative Decree. 267 of 18.08.00; Referring to the previous measures related to the regulation of the circulation and parking of vehicles in the streets and squares of the city“;


No parking with move in area in

  • Via Crocefisso, on both sides, on the section between via Gaspare del Fosso and via San Francesco da Paola;
  • Via Tommasini, north side, in the section between via dei Correttore and Corso Garibaldi;
  • Via T. Gulli, south side, in the section between via dei Correttore and Corso Garibaldi;
  • Via Cavour, south side, in the section between via dei Correttore and Corso Garibaldi;

from 2:00 p.m. on 09/11/2020 to 8:00 a.m. on 09/16/2020 there is no parking with moving area in:

  • Via San Francesco da Paola and go T. Campanella, on both sides, in the section between via XXI Agosto and via S. Stefano da Nicea;
  • Via Guglielmo Pepe, north side, in the section between Via San Francesco da Paola and Corso Garibaldi;
  • Via Vollaro, on both sides, on the section between via Vittorio Veneto and via Corso Garibaldi;

from 2:00 p.m. on 09/11/2020 to 8:00 a.m. on 09/16/2020 the prohibition of vehicular traffic in:

  • Via San Francesco da Paola and go T. Campanella in the section between via XXi Agosto and via Santo Stefano da Nicea;
  • Via Crocefisso, in the section between Via Gaspare del Fosso and Via San Francesco da Paola;
  • Via Tommasini, on the section between Via dei Correttore and Corso Garibaldi;
  • Via T. Gulli, on the section between Via dei Correttore and Corso Garibaldi;
  • Via Cavour, on the section between via dei Correttore and Corso Garibaldi;
  • Corso garibaldi in the section between Via Lemos and Via del Plebiscito;

from 8:00 p.m. on 09/11/2020 to 8:00 a.m. on 09/16/2020 except emergency vehicles and police vehicles alternative route:

  • Via XXI AugustViale Matteotti / Via Domenico Muratori

Atam buses and heavy vehicles from 7:00 p.m. on 09/11/2020 to 8:00 a.m. on 09/16/2020 will follow the following alternative route:

  • Corso garibaldiVia AspromonteVia San Francesco da PaolaVia G. PepeCorso MatteottiViale Zerbi/Via VollaroVia Roma/ Via del Torrione.

The signs will be in place and maintained by and at the expense of the company Castore SPL.

The Municipal Police, as well as the Traffic Police Corps referred to in art. 12 of the New Highway Code, are in charge of the supervision for the exact fulfillment of this ordinance.

Local Police personnel can divert or inhibit vehicle and pedestrian traffic following unexpected public or road safety requirements.

The ordinance is valid on the day and at the times indicated, and remains valid, cancels and replaces any other act in conflict with it.

Reggio Calabria, another mosaic for Madonna’s Day: Tuesday 15 event canceled, the Effige will not even be exhibited in the Piazza al Duomo. “You can only see her inside the church, with masks” [DETTAGLI]
