Reggio Calabria, a city mourning the untimely death of Giuseppe Ripepi: the golden child loved by all


7 December 2020 17:22

Many friends and the Department of Agriculture of the University of Reggio Calabria said the last goodbye to the young man on social networks.

Sad day for Reggio calabria. The city cries in these hours for the death of Giuseppe Ripepi, a young student from Reggio. The messages of condolence and esteem can be read on his Facebook profile, where friends and acquaintances who have addressed the last goodbye define him as a golden boy. Unfortunately he had been hospitalized for some time for some health problems. The University also remembers this Agriculture department Dell ‘Mediterranean University that “It regrets the untimely death of Giuseppe Ripepi, student of our Department, Graduated in Food Science and Technology. The deepest condolences go to Giuseppe’s family from all over his Department “. The editorial team and all readers of StrettoWeb.
