Reggio Calabria, 23 Roma arrested for extortion, receipt of stolen goods, laundering, theft and fraud throughout the province: they even mistreated animals with violence [NOMI, VIDEO e DETTAGLI]


10 September 2020 12:33

Reggio Calabria: the restrictive measure arises from a complex research activity, developed since November 2019 by the Carabinieri de Ardore Marina and Bovalino stations

With the first light of dawn today, September 10, 2020, the Carabinieri of the Compagnia di Locri, in Ardore (RC) and Bovalino (RC), have executed a precautionary custody order, issued by the Investigating Judge of Court of Locri at the request of the competent Public Ministry, against 23 subjects (14 of which will be imprisoned, 6 subjected to house arrest and 3 to the prohibition to stay in the municipalities of Ardore and Bovalino), under investigation – for various reasons – for Criminal association oriented to the organization of crimes against property, such as extortion, receipt of stolen goods, laundering, theft and fraud, as well as against public faith, the environment and in the field of drugs, aggravated by the availability of weapons .

In prison he was restricted Cosimo BERLINGERI cl.84, Francesco BERLINGERI cl.66, Florin Iulian FERARU cl.86, Damiano BEVILACQUA cl. 78, Davide AMATO cl.91, Robert BEVILACQUA cl.81, Antonio Alessandro BEVILACQUA cl.93, Francesco BERLINGERI cl.01, Alessandro BEVILACQUA cl.90, Cosimo WORK cl. 85, Maurizio BEVILACQUA cl. 71, Gianluca BEVILACQUA cl.93, Pierino AMATO cl.91, Attilio AMATO cl. 63, while the following were subjected to house arrest (forbidden to communicate with people who are not members of the family who cohabit): Salvatore BERLINGERI cl.61, Rocco BEVILACQUA cl. 60, Damiano BEVILACQUA cl. 89, Mario AMATO cl. 72, Bruno ALL cl. 62 e Giuseppe MARRAPODI cl. 64. Finally, they investigated the recipients of the non-custodial measure of the obligation to present themselves to the judicial police: BD cl.87, BC cl.87 and AA cl.01, domiciled in Ardore and Siderno.

The restrictive measure arises from a complex investigation activity, developed since November 2019 by the Carabinieri de Ardore Marina and Bovalino stations, constantly coordinated by the Public Ministry of the Locri Court, whose results have allowed us to prove the operation of a group. criminal active in the territory of the Locridean municipalities, attributable to elements belonging to the local Roma communities – historically rooted in the territory in a non-conflictive and non-competitive position with organized crime – who have planned and committed very serious crimes against the order public, the person, heritage and public faith.

In particular, the investigative activity made it possible to delineate the internal structures of the investigated faction, the responsibilities of individual associates with respect to the organization and planning of crimes, the choice of victims and the methods of implementation. In addition, investigations are ongoing to investigate existing joint interests and contacts with local ‘Ndrangheta gangs.

In the investigation, the results of which are summarized in the information of the aforementioned station commands, based in July of this year, the multiplicity of significant criminal episodes are reconstructed and documented, from home robberies, reception of stolen goods, drug trafficking ( heroin and cocaine), to the illegal possession of weapons and ammunition, from the illicit disposal of waste (waste materials, dangerous and special), to scams that involve theft of work vehicles, motor vehicles, mopeds, horses, also with the participation of underage subjects with availability of weapons, perpetrated in the municipalities of Ardore, Bovalino, Bianco, Brancaleone, Caulonia, Locri, Marina di Gioiosa Jonica, Roccella Jonica, San Luca, Sant’Ilario dello Jonio and Siderno.

The investigated group, which had an operational base in the popular complexes of Bovalino, in via Nuova and di Ardore, in via Verdi, was headed by Cosimo BERLINGERI cl.84, promoter and organizer of the association, who coordinated the illegal activities of the association. criminal, flanked by his uncle Francesco BERLINGERI cl.66, alias “Cicciu u Zingaru”, respectively nephew and brother of Nicola BERLINGERI cl. 65, murdered and body found in the municipality of Ardore in April 2012, indicated in other operations pg as head of “Cosca degli Zingari”.

In reference to the crimes of fraud, the association used online classifieds sites to identify the property and “hook” the victims (parents were sometimes forced to sell their property to care for their children suffering from serious illnesses). He was able, with tricks and deceptions, to steal or have the merchandise delivered to him for sale, which he then resells on the black market or on the web.

Several house robberies have been reconstructed, starting the investigations from the complaints lodged by private citizens, victims of predatory crimes of the gypsy community, specifically at night.

The criminal group also used to profit from the retail sale of drugs such as heroin and cocaine. In particular, the drugs were hidden in cavities obtained in the basement and in the annexes of the Bovalino public housing complex, used as an operating base, from where they were taken and sold to buyers who requested it.

The investigations carried out by the Carabinieri, also supported by technical activities, also made it possible to identify and verify the presence of weapons in the availability of the criminal association. In particular, Cosimo BERLINGERI together with the suspect Iulian Florin FERARU, also manipulated weapons in the presence of children of preschool age (4-5 years).

Last May, a selective activity carried out by the soldiers of the Carabinieri de Locri Group, with the collaboration of Squadrone Eliportato Cacciatori Calabria, allowed to seize perfectly functional weapons, in excellent condition, and proceed to the arrest of the manager Domenico MARRAPODI, brother of Joseph.

There are many environmental crimes committed by today’s suspects, who, in exchange for a monetary fee, carried out the recovery of various types of waste, from waste material to hazardous and special waste that, without any authorization and regardless of current regulations, they are illegally disposed of even in areas. protected by landscape and environmental limitations (streams and valleys) with serious damage to the environment and the consequent serious hydrogeological risk.

Last but not least, the suspects were responsible for the mistreatment of the animals. Incidents have been documented in which they violently tied animals, put a rope around their necks, picked them up, and then threw them to the ground, where they were repeatedly kicked by their youngest children. On another occasion, after having mistreated some chickens, they were thrown alive to feed a group of dogs locked in a fence to observe the scene.

Reggio Calabria, Roma criminal group beaten in Ardore and Bovalino: images [VIDEO]
