Refunds of half the bike voucher


The decree for the application of the bicycle voucher recently published in the Official Gazette says that reimbursements for purchases made until the previous day or for the issuance of valid vouchers for purchases until December 31, 2020 will begin on November 4. today Il Messaggero. , the refunds for the bicycle voucher will be half.

Even those who have to wait until 2021 can expect a recovery of up to 500 euros, equivalent to 60% of the purchase, but the risk is that in 2020 only half of the purchases will be refunded. And the date of November 4 will be will convert in one click day given that available resources amount to just 210 million. Furthermore, the need to access the platform through Spid runs the risk of slowing down applications.

Requests will be handled according to the order of insertion. Assuming an average use of the bonus of 500 euros, the 210 million will be enough for 650 thousand purchases between bicycles and electrical appliances but only in May 540 thousand were bought. For this reason, the newspaper speculates that even with 200 thousand monthly purchases from June to October, 1.6 million bicycles will be bought (the previous year it was 1.7 million), many will remain unhappy here.

Not to mention the purchases of scooters and Segways, which according to the operators could exceed the global quota of 1.2 million purchases. These are estimates, it is clear, that only the launch of the portal can be confirmed. But considering the assessment published by the ministry’s offices (650,000 purchases), about half of the talking bills or receipts would be covered by available funds. The rest will have to wait for the resources that the Stability Law should allocate to the cause thanks to the auctions. But maybe we’ll talk about it in January.

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The application race will begin on November 4 with registration on the portal managed by Sogei. Access will be allowed through Spid and the electronic invoice or receipt must be uploaded. The transfer to the checking account will follow. But this operation must be carried out within the two months following the start, that is, before January 4. Only once all refund requests have been satisfied will coupons be accessed (in any case they will be used within 30 days), while related requests will be put on the waiting list
