Referendum, Salvini on Giorgetti’s No: “The League is not a barracks. We are in a democracy, not in Venezuela”


“No”, Giorgetti in the referendum is not a tear. This is the comment of Matteo Salvini of Matera, during a rally in support of the center-right mayoral candidate, Rocco Luigi Sassone, where he was also received here amid boos and protests like yesterday in the section of Torre del Greco.

“If someone,” added Salvin, “thinks differently, I’m certainly not angry and I’m not offended. The referendum is the triumph of democracy, the League is not a barracks, unlike other movements, we are free men and women. We have voted ‘yes’ because Parliament can work effectively even with fewer MPs. “

That ‘someone’ to whom Salvini refers is precisely Giancarlo Giorgetti, the number two of the Carroccio who yesterday specified: “In the referendum I will vote no and I will do it with conviction” thus challenging Salvini who instead chose Yes.

“The referendum is the triumph of democracy and freedom of thought. We are not in Venezuela,” he reiterated later that night from Bari.



Giorgetti’s blow to the line of leader Salvini: “Unconvinced in the referendum”

“The position in the referendum” of the Lega and Matteo Salvini is, therefore, “yes, for consistency. I have voted” yes “four times and I will vote” yes “for the fifth time. I do not want to do – he added – like any Renzi who first vote ‘no’ and then vote ‘yes’ to save the chair. ”

Salvini sul Wall Street Journal

Among the various commitments of the electoral campaign, Matteo Salvini gave an interview to the Wall Street Journal where he addresses international political issues such as the US elections and issues related to Italian politics. About Donald Trump, he said: “I was one of the few Italian politicians who believed in his victory and who encouraged him four years ago. And I still believe that he was a good president and I hope that he will be re-elected.” On some international issues, the former interior minister continued “as relations with China, with Iran and close relations with Israel, we have exactly the same opinion. If I were prime minister, Jerusalem would be recognized as the capital.” Israel from my government and relations with China and Iran would be suspended. “

The leader of the League also addresses the European issue: “The enemy of the European dream is the Brussels bureaucracy. It is not Salvini. This European bureaucracy has betrayed the European dream. The founding treaty of the EU had established full employment as its priority. work – which is theoretically a left-wing issue, but which the socialists have forgotten – full employment and, I would add, also family and immigration ”.

There is no shortage of passages about the Catania trial that – the WSJ recalls – could take up to 15 years: “I think the trial will end in nothing. During my tenure as minister, we have halved the number of dead and missing at sea” . Salvini is committed to voting before 2023: “More than politicians, it will be society that will make this government explode.”
