Referendum on parliamentary cuts: which parties for Yes and which ones for No.


On Sunday 20 and Monday 21 September Italians are summoned to the polls by a constitutional referendum in reduction of the number of deputies from 630 to 400 and that of senators from 315 to 200. It is a confirmatory referendum, for which no quorum is foreseen: the result will be valid regardless of the number of votes cast. The reform that provides for the reduction of parliamentarians was voted by Parliament according to the process of double reading and voting on the text: the first green light came on February 7, 2019, in the Senate, when the majority was the yellow-green majority formed by 5 stars me League. Lining up for the s, in the first votes in the House and Senate, are M5S, Lega, Forza Italia (with some distinction) and Fratelli d’Italia. The Democratic Party votes against.

The final path

In a second resolution at Palazzo Madama, on July 11, 2019, the law was approved by an absolute majority without reaching a qualified majority of two thirds, due to the Vote against expressed by the senators of the Democratic Party. and Liberi and the same, then the opposition of the government of Conte I, and non-participation in the vote for Forza Italia. In the last reading in the Chamber of Deputies, on October 8, 2019, however, it arrives the free passage of all parliamentary groups majority and opposition, with the exception of some members of the Mixed group, the text reaching a qualified majority of two thirds of the members. In the fourth vote, which marked the final approval of the reform, the Pd, Leu and Italia viva also voted.
Some parties have changed positions: here are the current ones.


The location of the Democratic party on how to vote in the referendum became official in the national leadership on September 7: as indicated by Nicola Zingaretti in them ranks for S. The proposal was approved by 188 votes in favor, 18 against and 8 abstentions, while 11 did not participate in the vote. A large majority, but that does not translate into absolute compactness. Some party members have announced their intention to vote No, such as former House Speaker Laura Boldrini, former Treasurer Luigi Zanda, Gianni Cuperlo and Matteo Orfini. Some big names like Romando Prodi are also against, Arturo Parisi, Giuseppe Fioroni and Rosy Bindi.


the 5 star movement He has always been the staunchest supporter of the S, regarding the cut of MPs as the mother of all anti-caste reforms. Second Luigi di maio: With fewer deputies, the quality of laws will increase. The founder of the Movement also echoed him, Beppe Grillo: The Italian people will be able to regain their power by pushing back the dinosaurs of the Jurassic period, destined for extinction by the comet of constitutional reform. Although the position of the grillini is granite, there is no shortage of defections among the parliamentarians: the deputies Elisa Siragusa, Mara Lapia, Andrea Vallascas and Andrea Colletti lined up for No.


Matteo salvini The League for the S has officially deployed: We have voted four times in the House to cut MPs and we are not changing our minds now. It was and continues to be an initiative aimed at making the work of the Chambers more agile and efficient. But even inside the Carroccio someone escaped from the party line, announcing the Not, as the governor of Lombardy Attilio fontana, the undersecretary of the League Giancarlo Giorgetti, former minister Gian Marco Centinaio, economist Claudio Borghi and former undersecretary Armando Siri.

Brothers from Italy

It does not escape me that a possible success of the Could not put in difficulties to the majority – he said Giorgia Meloni leader of FdI– but I don’t change anything I believe in for a momentary gain. Hence the clear position for the of the party, which appears to be the most compact within the center-right coalition.

Go Italy

Silvio Berlusconi He was critical of the reform within the center-right, explaining: Done like this, as the grillini want, the cutting of parliamentarians runs the risk of being just a demagogic act that limits representation, reduces freedom and our democracy. The voters stayed there freedom to vote. In Parliament, the leader of the group in the House appears for the S Mariastella gelmini, by Not the parent company in the Senate Anna Maria Bernini.

Alive italy

Warm welcome to the reform of Italy alive. Matteo renzi He would have liked to link the cut in parliamentarians to the approval of a new electoral law, which did not happen. According to the leader of IV, the reform is a commercial, a tribute to demagoguery. If yes or no wins, nothing changes for the legislative procedure. If you want to do institutional reforms seriously, you have to do things right. Freedom to vote therefore for party members..

+ Europe and action

Clearly aligned for the Not be + Europe is action. Second Emma bonino -who also participated in several street demonstrations against the court- with a victory of the S the Constitution would be mutilated. Listening to parliament as a lair of the underworld occupied by parasites, to be eliminated like lice, horrifies me intellectually. Of the same opinion too Carlo Calenda: It is not a general reform of the parliamentary institution, which needs it – and I am even in favor of the dry unicameral chamber – but an indiscriminate cut that takes away representation from a Chamber and complicates parliamentary work.

September 16, 2020 (change September 16, 2020 | 18:15)

