Referendum, how the parliament changes after the cut


There will be 345 fewer MPs, 230 in the House and 115 in the Senate. There can be no more than five senators in a lifetime. All this from the next dissolution of the rooms.

The triumph of yes in the constitutional referendum (GRAPHICS – POLITICAL REACTIONS) is destined to completely change the face of parliament, whose tenants will go from the current 945 to the future 600. The constitutional reform cuts 345 parliamentarians. Final approval occurred in October 2019, with the approval of the Chamber. And with the birth of the Giallorossi government, it was also supported for the first time by Pd, Leu and Italia viva (despite the fact that in the three previous votes they had voted against). The opposition forces, Forza Italia, FdI and Lega also voted in favor. The clear victory of Yes in the referendum confirms the reform. Now it will take about two months to redesign the universities.

The dispute over savings


Elections, open voting: Italians vote with masks. PHOTO

The general cut for those elected is 36.5% and will undoubtedly bring savings. The point is what is the scope of it. According to opponents of the reform, the cost reduction would be limited to 0.007%. For the 5 Stars, who have made the reform a workhorse, they would save about 500 million euros a quarter, or 100 million a year.

Chamber, from 630 to 400 deputies


Court and parliamentary representation, comparison with other countries

The total number of deputies, now 630, will be 400. Even those elected abroad have been reduced, from the current 12 to a future maximum of 8. After the constitutional reform, the average number of inhabitants for each elected parliamentarian also changes. For the Chamber of Deputies, this ratio increases from 96,006 to 151,210. The distribution of seats among the constituencies, without prejudice to the number of seats assigned to the overseas constituency, is made by dividing the number of inhabitants of the Republic, resulting from the last general population census, by 392 and distributing the seats in proportion to the population of each constituency, based on integer ratios and the highest residuals.

Palazzo Madama, from 315 to 200 senators


Referendum, from the first of 1946 to the 4 of December 2016: all of the above

Senators went from the current 315 to a total of 200. The number of those elected abroad also changed, from 6 to 4. The average number of inhabitants for each senator increased, in turn, from 188,424 to 302,420. Until now, the Charter established that “no Region can have less than seven senators; Molise has two; Valle d’Aosta one”. The reform identifies a minimum number of three senators per Region or Autonomous Province, leaving unchanged the current provision of Article 57, third paragraph of the Constitution, relating to the representatives of Molise (2 senators) and Valle d’Aosta (1 senator). However, for the first time, a minimum number of senatorial seats is foreseen for the autonomous provinces of Trento and Bolzano.

Maximum five senators for life


Referendum, the Luiss report: “Nothing reform without implementation”

The reform also modifies article 59 of the Constitution, expressly establishing that the maximum number of senators for life cannot exceed 5, clarifying a misunderstanding that occurred since the beginning of the history of the Republic, with a text that was susceptible to different interpretations. The amended article reads: “The President of the Republic may appoint senators for life as citizens who have illustrated their homeland for very high merits in the social, scientific, artistic and literary fields. The total number of senators in office designated by the President of the Republic can not any case will be greater than five “.

In force after the dissolution of the chambers

The reduction of parliamentarians, provides for the reform, enters into force from the date of the first dissolution or the first termination of the Chambers after the date of entry into force of the constitutional law and, in any case, not before sixty days have passed. The provision of the sixty-day period is intended to “allow the approval of the legislative decree for the redetermination of electoral colleges”, which are currently divided as follows: for the Chamber of Deputies there are 232 single-member and 63 multi-member districts; 116 single-member and 33 multi-member colleges for the Senate.
