Referendum, a case for the 5s the sponsorship of Yes with the posts of Meloni and Salvini


Matteo Salvini and Giorgia Meloni. They are also among the testimonies of the Yes to the referendum on the cut of parliamentarians on September 20 and 21, but to pay for the sponsorship of the posts with his face, on Facebook, there is the group of the Movement 5 Stars in the Chamber.

It is a coincidence, inside and outside the Stars, the publications sponsored by the Facebook page ‘Voto Sí’, in which the image of the leaders of the Lega and Fratelli d’Italia is used to support the reasons for the reform wanted for the 5 Star Movement.

As can be seen in the screenshots circulated in the last hours, the M5S group from Montecitorio finances the publicity of these messages (with the aim of promoting their circulation and reaching an increasing number of potential voters).

“But is the 5-Star Movement campaigning for Salvini? And they also call him captain!” Says the deputy grillino Andrea Colletti, who has aligned himself with No in the referendum. Even in internal talks, many elected officials make no secret of their discontent and bewilderment over what is called a political and communicative “own goal”.

From 5Stelle they let it be known that “with this campaign, the Movement wanted to remember that reform belongs to all Italians and that it came thanks to the vote in parliament of almost all political forces and their leaders who, even in these hours, have reiterated His Therefore, this page represents, before an important moment for the democratic life of the country, a space open to the voices of the Yes, beyond any political or partisan fence ”.

At the moment, the same sources point out, the M5S group has spent about 2,000 euros to sponsor the positions in question. However, such an initiative is also a way to “nail” the right-wing leaders in their past statements in favor of the cut, while many of them now go unnoticed so that he does not succeed in giving a push to the government.

On Facebook, former M5S members tell the story. “W transparency. This is how the parliamentary group M5S Camera wastes public money … I leave you the comments … Fortunately, at least Facebook is transparent!”, Writes Marco Rizzone, member of parliament involved in the so-called ‘trickster of bonus’ Inps and therefore sent off by the referees.

For Senator Gregorio De Falco, on the other hand, “it is interesting to understand who decided on this sponsorship, if the deputies of the parliamentary group knew about it and if they did, democratically. Did they decide the spending by voting? Or,” asks the frigate captain- As on other occasions, has someone decided for everyone? And what role does communication play, does it completely dominate politics and you choose the tactics and objectives?

Even Più Europa goes on the attack with Giordano Masini, coordinator of the party’s political secretariat: “We ask for an immediate intervention from President Fico and the College of Quaestors, since it is an improper use of the funds of the parliamentary groups that cannot finance electoral propaganda activities. So far the savings in the cut of parliamentarians promoted by the grillini “.
