Rome, September 18, 2020 – Voting will take place on September 20 and 21 (from 7 to 23 on Sunday and from 7 to 15 on Monday) constitutional referendum For him court of parliamentarians. The referendum was called to approve or reject the constitutional review law entitled “Modifications to articles 56, 57 and 59 of the Constitution on reducing the number of parliamentarians.”
No quorum
There will be no need for quorum. Basically, whoever gets the most votes wins regardless of the number of voters. This is the fourth confirmatory referendum in the history of republican Italy. The text of the law, definitively approved by the Chamber on October 8, 2019, provides for the reduction of 36.5% of the members of both branches of Parliament.
Yes or no what happens
In the event that Yes is voted, it would go from 630 to 400 seats in the Chamber of Deputies and from 315 to 200 elective seats in the Senate. The referendum was scheduled for March 29 last. But everything was postponed to September 20 and 21 due to the Covid-19 pandemic.
The alignments of the parties
The positions of the parties are not unique. The official nature often does not correspond to the reality and sensitivities of one’s own group and one’s constituents / militants. But let’s see in detail.
5 star movement. The political group that, in fact, wanted this law in the name of “anti-caste” and of a populist anti-parliamentarianism never completely asleep is obviously for the Yes. But even among the pentastellati there are those who say no. The case of the deputy is exemplary Elisa Siragusa who said: “Reducing parliamentary representation to save one coffee a year makes no sense. The relationship is not clear in terms of efficiency. To improve efficiency, the Chamber’s operating regulations must first be reviewed ”. Other lighter grillini also expressed doubts and perplexities.
P.S. The leader Nicola Zingaretti officially lined up the party for the Yes. But he had to get by showing many embarrassing silences due to the numerous discontent from the periphery and the loud and clear No of exponents such as Gianni Cuperlo or Matteo Orfini. In addition, too many silences and the lack of reform of the electoral law put the management group dem in obvious difficulties.
League. The leader of the Northern League, Matteo Salvini, said that the Northern League is lined up for the Yes, but, behind the scenes, everyone knows that the reform is difficult to digest for a party that makes its roots in the territory one of its strengths.
Brothers from Italy. A decided yes that does not seem to doubt. Giorgia Meloni, however, must, although to an infinitely lesser extent than the other parties, with the perplexities of the periphery.
Italy Long Live. The Renzi group leaves the freedom to vote, even if, after all, it is for No.
Go Italy. Match party from the beginning. The ‘revolt’ against Yep (led by many prominent exponents) was certified by the doubts expressed without hesitation by himself Silvio Berlusconi who made it clear that a victory for MPs would not improve the overall picture. Rather.
Others. Emma Bonino and + Europa para el no, as well as (with the exception of Bersani) the left of the left as article 1 and the communist re-founding, as well as the socialists of Riccardo Nencini
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