Red zone, school, vaccinations: Draghi’s words


“Reopening of the school until sixth grade” also in the red zone. Then the prime minister Mario draghi at the press conference at the end of the control room with the ministers on the next Covid decree, where the issue of reopening and closures, new measures, vaccines and the thorny issue of unvaccinated health professionals is also discussed.

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On school “I confirm the decision to reopen up to sixth grade, Minister Bianchi is working so that the reopening is carried out in an orderly manner. In some cases it will be possible to carry out tests, but it is an exaggeration to talk about the latest decisions – explains Draghi – they have caused a decrease on the growth rate of infections: the will of the control room planned to exploit any space for the school. Scientific evidence shows that schools, up to sixth grade, are a limited source of contagion. of limited contagion only in the presence of all other restrictions: if these were abolished, infections would increase “also for” extracurricular and school activities, “he says.

Chapter reopening and closing. The premier explains: “The measures, in a year and a half, have shown that they are not far-fetched. It is desirable to reopen. The decision on what to reopen and when to reopen depends solely on the data we have available. Minister Garavaglia says that it occurs to them to reserve the vacations? I agree with him, if I could go on vacation I would gladly do so … ”. Is it unthinkable that Matteo Salvini keeps everything closed? “To think or unthinkable depends only on the data we see. After a year of suffering we know something more about the sources of contagion, a year of suffering has shown that these rules are not unreasonable. It is desirable to reopen, this is also for me, after which, when, if and how depends on the data we have available ”, he adds.

“We – continues Draghi – will make a decree On the data available today and we will continue to follow it, I do not rule out an ongoing change. The situation is so complex that it must be monitored day by day, week by week. ”

On the subject of vaccines, explains the premier, “I do not know if there is a difference between the doses announced or those received, but as of today on the Prime Minister’s website anyone can access the data, region by region, categories by categories. All this can be verified on the website. I can assure you that all Italians will have the doses, “he says, adding:” The goal of half a million doses in April is starting to look more likely. “

Draghi then responds to the controversy of the regions on the words spoken in the Senate and in the House on the subject ofvaccines: “What I said in Parliament – he explains – was a rather spontaneous reaction to the differences in vaccines, between the different regions, of subjects over 80 years of age. I also said that success cannot be achieved without the collaboration of the state The state of Regions. The reminder – he underlines – had the objective of communicating to the regions that the most vulnerable people, over 80 years of age, must be vaccinated and then preceded by an age limit. The age criterion must once again be “the base” “It’s hard to explain to people that certain categories have been vaccinated before and are no longer fragile than 80-year-olds. The response from the regions has been largely positive, there will be a meeting next week and I will be there “. We must all work together,” he says.

And on the subject of unvaccinated health workers, continues the premier, “the government intends to intervene. It is not good that unvaccinated operators are in contact with the sick. Minister Cartabia is preparing a provision in this regard. The form of this provision – how it is expressed, the sanctions – it’s all in sight. ” but “I think it will be a decree.” The Minister of Health, Roberto Speranza, adds: “This is a residual quota, a minimum piece” of unvaccinated operators. “The vast majority of doctors and nurses voluntarily responded by setting a good example.”

Sullo EU stop in vaccine exports, “The criterion enunciated by the EU Commission partially modifies the previous criterion. Previously, the only requirement to stop the export of a certain vaccine was the breach of contract by a company. Yesterday the Commission broadened the criterion by introducing words proportionality and reciprocity. It also counts what the country to which a vaccine is directed, or whether or not it allows export. Proportionality is a more subtle criterion, it refers to the shipment of vaccines to a country that already has a high percentage of vaccines “. Prime Minister Mario Draghi said this, speaking at the press conference.

Why concern Sputnik vaccineDraghi continues, “A formal application has not yet been submitted to the EMA, which is reviewing the various components of the vaccine. The EMA is not expected to speak for 3-4 months. If all goes well, the vaccine would be available in the second half of the year “. “Here,” he adds, “health, life and death have to do with it. Everything possible must be done to strengthen European coordination, but if a solution is not seen, we must try to act differently.”
