Rome, March 12, 2021 – Almost all of Italy is destined as of Monday, March 15 become Red zone (until April 6, the yellow zones will also disappear). And everything will be anyway for Easter from April 3 to 5. So what are the rules and restrictions for the red zone? What can and cannot be done? Here is the guide. It should be noted that the curfew is maintained from 10 to 5 in the morning and other restrictions of a general nature (obligation of mask and no meeting).
Red and dark orange zone: rules and differences
In Red zone you cannot leave home except for proven reasons “work, health or need” which must be self-certified with the corresponding form. So there are no trips even within the municipality. Also forbidden to move outside the region except for the usual reasons. The return to the residence, domicile or home is always allowed.
Visits to family and friends. The last Dpcm introduced a squeeze: no visits to family and friends even within the municipality not even once a day. However, there is an exception introduced in today’s Draghi decree: for Easter (April 3, 4 and 5) the visit will be possible once a day within the region. Therefore, it was decided to allow family reunification.
Bars and restaurants
Bars and restaurants They are closed: it is only possible to bring food to go (until 10pm but for bars only until 6pm) and home delivery.
Stores closed
I stores remain closed (only pharmacies and essential outlets are open).
Cinemas, theaters and museums
They remain closed.
In the red zone schools closed of all order and degree. So didactic 100% disrtanza.
Government FAQ: “Shopping it always falls within the justifying causes of the movements. Therefore, in the event that your Municipality does not have points of sale or in the event that a Municipality adjacent to yours has availability, even in terms of greater economic convenience, of the points of sale necessary for your needs, allows movement, within these limits. , which must be self-certified “.
The walks
the walk are allowed, “as a motor activity”, exclusively in the vicinity of the house.
Using the bicycle is governed by the Faq as follows: “The use of the bicycle is allowed to get to the workplace, the place of residence or shops that sell food or basic necessities. The use of the bicycle is also allowed to carry out activities physical outdoors close to home, maintaining the interpersonal distance of at least one meter, or for sports, maintaining the interpersonal distance of at least two meters “.
Go to Mass
It is possible to go to the places of worship “closer to home”.
Go to the park
It is possible “except for different specific provisions of the local authorities, on condition of strict compliance with the prohibition of gathering and in any case close to the house.”
Do sport
“In the red area it is allowed to play sport activity exclusively within the territory of their own municipality, from 5 to 22, individually and outdoors, maintaining an interpersonal distance of two meters. However, it is possible, in the performance of a sports activity that involves a movement (for example, running or cycling), to enter another Municipality, provided that this movement remains functional only for the sports activity itself and the destination end coincides with the Municipality of departure. “.
The celebration of funeral it is allowed in accordance with the rules against assemblies.
Frequently Asked Questions: “The development of public events it is only allowed statically and on the condition that, during them, the prescribed social distances and other containment measures are respected ”.
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