There are those who run, those who walk and those who play sports. All activities allowed, Dpcm in hand, but the optical effect is at least strange, considering that for Milan it was supposed to be the first Sunday of – again – confinement, albeit in a light version, due to the coronavirus emergency .
In the Milanese parks, however, there were a few gatherings here and there over the weekend, while the center remained sadly empty. Licia Ronzulli, vice president of the Forza Italia group in the Senate and a Milanese doctor, who “denounced him”, published a series of videos on her social profiles showing the situation in the city’s green areas.
“In Milan, in the middle of the red zone, it seems like any Sunday of the pre-Covid era – he wrote -. There are people and gatherings everywhere, are they all self-certified? I don’t think so. Streets, parks and squares are full of idiots who do not care about the prohibitions and the damage that would result from a greater increase in infections. They are irresponsible and disrespectful of all the restaurateurs, bartenders and other businesses that have had to close and continue without compensation – the harsh words of the Senator – This people have not drawn the blinds, with all the trouble and sacrifices of the case, only to see crowds everywhere in the streets. Those who do are totally disrespectful. And where is Mayor Sala? Knock knock. Did he turn around to Milan today? Where are the controls? The municipality has a duty to monitor – he concluded – and to enforce the regulations “.