“Red zone of the Gewiss stadium for Papu. From Gasperini …”


The journalist sent after Atalanta spoke of the coach’s decision not to call Gómez for Roma

Massimiliano Nebuloni, Atalanta’s Skysport correspondent, spoke of Gasperini’s failure to call Papu Gómez for the game against Roma. These are the words of the journalist commenting on what is happening in the Bergamo club: “It is not boring to follow Atalanta these days. Today came another twist. Before today’s conference, the coach had communicated to Papu, through the coaches, his failure to call the game against Giallorossi. For him, starting tomorrow, Gewiss Stadium is also the red zone. They begged him not to feed the controversy through social networks, as had happened with the post a few days ago. But Gasperini’s message is even harsher, clearer and clearer than the one that came after the match against Fiorentina. As if to tell him that there is no room for the Argentine in Atalanta. Not even at the bank. It was thought that it could start from there tomorrow as well and in the last game of 2020. But this other twist has come without any other episode between the two. The story between the best player and the Nerazzurri ends bitterly. Gasperini had not spoken of the player in the conference. The last word of this story has arrived and we will have to think ahead. With the Percassi who don’t want to lose money on their sale ”.

(Source: SS24)
