Red zone of Milan, the request in the Conference of State Regions


Infections grow. The spread of the coronavirus in Lombardy it’s getting bigger Especially a Milan, both in the province and in the city. As much as to hypothesize drastic measures for the Lombard capital. A hypothesis that arises – and that would have been requested – also during the confrontation between the Regions and the government before the launch of the new dpcm. A Red zone, it defines. Hypothesized for Naples, with a partial setback from the president of the Region, Vincenzo De Luca, who wanted to shut down all of Campania and who now seems to be thinking of drastic measures only for the metropolitan area of ​​Naples. A similar path could also be followed in Milan, where the hypothesis of the red zone seems not to be ruled out.

The idea of ​​a red zone for Milan is also considered plausible by the general director of Wellbeing, Marco Trivelli: “No measure should be excluded“He says, referring to the current situation and the contagion figures in the capital. In Milan, yesterday 917 cases were registered and half of all Lombardy referred only to the metropolitan area of ​​Milan. Very similar data at present, with 2,306 of the 4,959 Lombard cases registered in the province of Milan. Of these, 1,010 in the city of Milan. Hospital maintenance is also worrying, with increasing pressure on health facilities. Suffice it to say that only today in Lombardy the increase in hospitalized patients is 140 patients, with an increase of 29 in intensive care.

The idea could be one closed for a couple of weeks. The goal is to reduce the RT, the contagion index that has now widely exceeded 2 in Milan, reaching 2.35. A similar figure to that registered in March in Lodi, in the midst of the epidemic. Also justifying the possibility of such strong limitations are new data on infections and hospitalizations in the city. Today new patients have been admitted to the Fiera hospital, for a total of 8 occupied intensive care places. The outbreaks in some structures are also worrisome, such as the department of Cardiology in Sacco or in Pio Albergo Trivulzio, where there are about twenty infected guests and employees.
