Naples, November 13, 2020 – The President of Campania Vincenzo De Luca harshly criticizes the government again and does so the day Campania after days of controversy goes to the red zone. It does so during the usual Friday on Facebook live, in which it offers the latest updates onCovid emergency: “The government has lost two precious months, during which we have had a spectacular increase in infections and deaths.”
The governor attacks at zero height: “Campania was for closes everything in October, the Government has made another choice, it has decided to take progressive initiatives, to take fragmented measures, choosing the so-called proportional response. A totally wrong choice, because contagion does not increase linearly, but exponentially ”.
“The government is going home”
De Luca attacks the entire executive and in particular against some of its members like the minister of Estherthe Luigi Di Maioy the Minister of Sport Vincenzo Spadafora. “I’m not saying what it is, but as far as I’m concerned, it would be a hundred times better, instead of fans in danger, have a government of national unity, of competent and respectable people, a Government of the president that it does not produce the chaos that has been produced in Italy by opportunism and bad decisions. It is not tolerable, I told some exponents of the Democratic Party, any collaborative relationship with ministers like Spadafora who said bestiality or with the gentleman whose name I mentioned (Luigi Di Maio, ed) whom I challenged to a public debate years ago and renew the invitation on live TV in the hope that he will not play rabbit like he did in the previous 3-4 years . “. In Di Maio De Luca then he adds:” To the list of jackals Yesterday an illustrious name was added, of a prominent political exponent of Campania, such Luigi Di Maio. He was among those who campaigned a month and a half ago – he recalls – accusing the Region of the crime of having carried out intensive care, modular hospitals, wasting public money.
The penalty line
Today Campania counts 3,900 positive swabs Of the 25,000 carried out, too many for the governor who is now managing an almost collapsed health situation but who during the first phase of the pandemic had become a symbol of intransigence: “We proposed the penalty line, alone. Now they all seem sticklerIt is an absolute shame, typical of today’s Italy. I find it intolerable – he added – that those who have trivialized the problem and lost valuable months now seem to have become stickler“.
In the video filmed at the Cardarelli
Remembering the video of deceased patient in the bathroom of the Cardarelli, From Luca highlights how “a 30-year-old man who had gone to Cardarelli with his car (and for this he no longer had to be hospitalized), after the death of our fellow citizen, with an animal stomach and a deceased person on the ground, while the nurses were going to take out a litter, he began to record a video ”.
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