
Lazio into the red zone, along with Friuli Venezia Giulia, Veneto me Piedmont. In fact, all of Italy should be all red and Orange, except Sardinia. Regions should change color, due to the rise in Covid infections and the spread of variants, starting Monday. Tomorrow the monitoring of the Higher Institute of Health will be released, which will lead to the adoption of new ordinances by the Minister of Health Speranza with the change of color for some regions. With the RT in 1 raisins Orange, with 1.25 in red. If the forecasts are confirmed, they would remain only in yellow. Aosta Valley, Calabria me Sicily.
Military died after the Astrazeneca vaccine, ten suspected of involuntary manslaughter. Aifa block lot in Italy
The Lazio Rt should be around 1.3. Same situation as in Friuli. These regions could go into the red zone as of Monday based on the parameters that will be officially announced in the next few hours, from which some rumors are leaking. The Rt index is one of the data that triggers the measures planned for the red zone. Regarding the classification of the Wind «we are on the razor’s edge between orange and red, like many other regions, according to the numbers, “said Governor Luca Zaia, recalling that the red zone begins with an Rt at 1.25. Lombardy also risks red. Puglia and Liguria instead of the orange.
Lazio Region alarm
Already the Covid-19 Crisis Unit of the Lazio Region, just today, had raised the alarm: «The contagion data is increasing and reaching the levels of two months ago, with a growth trend compared to the previous two weeks . The scenario is expected to worsen significantly, the alert level must be kept very high. “It is not possible to afford any distraction – the regional body had stressed – the virus with its variants is recovering vigor, the priority is now to interrupt the chain of transmission.”
The current situation and scenarios
Today there are six Regions in yellow: Lazio, Puglia, Liguria, Valle d’Aosta, Calabria and Sicily. But sadly, this is the picture of the epidemic taken with the data from two weeks ago. D.Tomorrow, when the council of ministers meets, it will therefore be decided to change some regions from orange to red and others from yellow to orange or red. With the result of having the whole country in red or orange, except for Sardinia currently in White. The Istituto Superiore di Sanità, pending the pre-report that has not yet arrived, communicated the number of RT to the Region, which amounted to 1.41. This was announced today in Cuneo by Governor Alberto Cirio for the stage of the listening and sharing tour of the territory on the programming of European funds 2021-2027 and on the Recovery Plan. According to the latest provisions, a region goes into the red zone when the contagion index, precisely the RT, exceeds 1.25. The new Regions colors should be released starting Monday morning. But the government will probably decide to pass a decree or a bill that will be passed quickly to anticipate some valid measures for the entire Easter holiday period. It is very likely that in the Easter period we will return to the method adopted at Christmas with the whole of Italy in the red band on holidays and in the orange band on weekdays. In addition, in all likelihood, the interregional travel ban, which currently expires on March 27, will be extended.
Red zones and new Dpcm
According to the indications that arrive in the Dpcm that will be modified, a real closure could occur in the red zones, where public places and shops will be closed, circulation prohibited, physical activity allowed only in the vicinity of the house. The indication of the CTS does not leave room for the election of governors because it establishes the parameter that makes the transition to the highest risk range automatic: 250 weekly infections per 100,000 inhabitants. This is precisely the indicator that many regional presidents have used to justify closing all schools.
Last updated: 17:31