Red zone in seven regions: Lombardy, Lazio, Veneto, Piedmont, Emilia, Friuli and Marche nearby


the SARS-CoV-2 continues to reign supreme and Italy is once again in the red. Today the government must launch the new regulation designed to bring all Regions to the red zone with Rt greater than 1.25 in the lower value or with an incidence of 250 cases per 100,000 inhabitants. It means that in Basilicata, Campania and Molise, already red for a week, they will almost certainly be added Piedmont (Rt at 1.41), Lombardy (Rt at 1.3), Emilia romagna (incidence greater than 400), Friuli Venezia Giulia (Rt a 1.3) e Market (incidence greater than 250) and, in all probability, Lazio me Veneto, which have a Rt above 1.25 and a scenario in clear deterioration. The seven new safe reds will likely be joined by Calabria, the province of Trento and Bolzano, which have an incidence of more than 300 cases.

Lazio red zone, as of Monday all dad’s schools. Hairdressers and barbers closed, but you can go to second homes

With data at the limit, there would be Abruzzo and Tuscany, which however should remain in orange along with Umbria, Liguria, Puglia (the latter in balance with red) and Valle d’Aosta. In these six regions, the stores will remain open. You can have a coffee in the bar and have lunch in the restaurant only in Sicily and Sardinia: the former is the only region that will remain in the yellow zone, while Sardinia, the last region for vaccinations, will be in the white zone for the second . consecutive week., the one in which it is possible to open all activities.

The weekly monitoring data certify the new worsening of the situation throughout the country. But it is enough to take a cursory glance at yesterday’s new infections bulletin to realize the seriousness of the situation: almost 26,000 new infections; 373 other deaths; positivity at 6.9%; another 10,000 more infected, reaching almost 500,000 in total.

Today, the Council of Ministers will give the green light to new measures for further tightening after consulting with the Regions. The official data will arrive only after the meeting of the control room and the validation by the Scientific Technical Committee, but the trend is already very clear, so much so that several regional presidents have announced the passage in the red zone.

However, before the signing of the Minister of Health Roberto Speranza on the ordinances that will delineate the new color map of Italy from Monday, according to the Minister of Regional Affairs, Mariastella Gelmini, Speranza himself and the CTS will meet with the Regions together with the representatives of Municipalities and Provinces: informal meeting that will be used by the executive to illustrate the measures that must be approved by the CDM with a decree law.

However, the lightning speed of the virus forced the government to choose a faster route. The measure will include the criterion according to which with a weekly incidence of 250 cases per 100,000 inhabitants, the red zone is automatically entered – rejected in January by the governors but on which there is a substantial distribution throughout the government – and the Easter closure as it was already done at Christmas, so that all Italy in red from Good Friday to Easter Monday.

On the other hand, discussion is still open about the possibility of lowering the RT threshold with which to enter the orange zone (now it is at 1 in the morning) and about the early curfew.
However, what is already clear enough for everyone is that the monitoring data combined with the new measures will throw much of Italy into the red zone. Speranza is expected to sign the ordinances after the new decree takes effect and the measures will begin on Monday.

The national measures will then be accompanied by the local ones and it will be the presidents of the Region who must adopt, as has already been done for the closure of schools. However, many have been ahead of the government’s directions. After ordering a curfew at 7 p.m., the first big city in Italy, the mayor of Bari Antonio Decaro also closed gardens and public parks, the same measure adopted by Vincenzo De Luca for all of Campania.

Last update: March 12 at 00:33 © REPRODUCTION RESERVED
