
Published on: 12/16/2020 7:17 PM
Italy red zone, but only holidays and days before holidays from December 24 to January 3. Nothing has been decided yet, but in government the decision to circumscribe the squeeze to be taken during the next holidays only seems to clearly prevail on holidays and before holidays. So Christmas Eve, Christmas and San Esteban, New Years Eve and January 1. Plus January 2 and 3, because it’s Saturday and Sunday. Eight days in total, and it did not close continuously from January 24 to 6 as requested by the most ‘penalty shooters’.
Therefore, the toughest measures on the table should refer only to holidays and pre-holidays and not to a continuous period, as requested, in particular, by the PD ministers at the table, but also the health manager Roberto Speranza. Pushing for a hard line, yes, but avoiding a “no-stop” red zone would be Prime Minister Giuseppe Conte supported, in this, by the M5S. And there are those who, among those present in the discussion, presume the hypothesis that “closing Italians at home for two consecutive weeks is crazy,” authorized sources inform Adnkronos.
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It does not press the next weekend, the one of December 19 and 20. It will be possible to go from the yellow zone to the yellow zone – almost all of Italy – as has been allowed until now, while the arrival or departure from the orange or red zones will be possible only for residents. The government would be oriented not to restrict travel in the next few hours to avoid the “great exodus” of the holidays, as some governors who called for a crackdown complained. “The problem is not the trips – explains an authorized government source to Adnkronos – the problem is the dinners and the parties, that’s where you really risk”.
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