Red regions and risk of confinement, the government to the mayors: “We must close the streets”


ROME The ordinance of Viminale it did not come by chance. On Monday night, on the sidelines of the Council of Ministers, the Prime Minister Giuseppe Conte and the Minister of Health Roberto Speranza they spoke extensively with Minister Luciana Lamorgese. And, as filtered by Palazzo Chigi, the head of the Interior was “suggested” by the prime minister and Speranza to intervene “without delay” in that interview. Too many people have been seen over the weekend, too many meetings, without any protection and distancing.

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Turn the screw

“The Minister of the Interior,” they explain in Conte’s entourage, “certainly didn’t need me to intervene. But during the interview, the prime minister confronted Lamorgese and still wanted to call for a crackdown. The images of the last weekend with crowds in Naples and other cities such as Rome and Palermo have raised a strong alarm. If you want to avoid the general confinement, which would be a blow to the country, you have to respect the regulations “, they add to Palazzo Chigi” and if this happens, also thanks to the strengthening of controls, in the next few days we are confident in seeing the first effects of the measures. gradual restrictions based on the trend of the epidemic in individual regions. In the last hours, Brusaferro and Locatelli have said that the Rt index is high, but that it is growing less quickly. Therefore, if the measures are respected, there will be no general blockade.

Again: “The president of the Council does not escape that the climate is different from last spring and that the population is tired, but that maximum attention is maintained even in the” yellow “regions with a tightening of controls against concentrations that they are prohibited, general confinement will be avoided. An epilogue that we would like to avoid at all costs because it would also penalize the Regions with the lowest contagion rate and for the country it would be, in fact, a blow “.


That is why – they reasoned in the Interior Ministry – we have to come up with a very clear plan for next Saturday and Sunday, taking into account that a mild climate is still expected to tempt people to hang out. So the other night the head of the Interior Office of the Interior, Bruno Frattasi, decided to involve even more prefects and mayors in the anti-Covid security operation. And he wrote a circular calling for “more effective prevention of meetings.”

Too many people were in the street without protection devices or distancing – stressed the prefect – “and in various parts of the country there have been situations of particular concentration, in which a not inconsiderable percentage of non-compliance with the obligation of use was found. More expensive “.

Out of bounds area

It is also true that last month mayors were asked to intervene by setting up prohibited areas during peak hours. And so many have done in the squares and streets of the nightlife. But when a meeting place is closed, another is found immediately. And then – is the reasoning of many – “the local police are not at all sufficient to control everything.” In addition, Minister Lamorgese had to admit to the images of people crowded in the street, “Italians are showing themselves too free and undisciplined.” And so it was decided to intervene with greater rigor: more fines, more controls.

The circular asked the prefects to urgently convene the Order and Security Committees, which was already done yesterday in many Italian cities, starting with Rome. The objective is to ensure that the phenomenon “decreases significantly” in the coming weekends with selective closures that can occur “through a quota of accesses, according to a principle of proportionality” or, precisely, through a provision of the mayors of “temporary closure specific public areas or areas open to the public where it is impossible to adequately ensure compliance with the interpersonal distance of at least one meter ”.

The results of the Committee meetings must be communicated to the Cabinet of the Minister and the Department of Public Security, so that it can learn about critical issues and intervene promptly.

