Red and orange zones, the government is in no rush to reopen: “So let’s save Christmas”


The government is in no rush to reopen:

ROME The offensive of Regions collides with the wall raised by Roberto Speranza what if Francesco Boccia, determined to try to rescue the nearly collapsed healthcare system and defend Christmas.
To the governors (especially of the center-right) who ask to dismantle the algorithm and the parameters that decree which Regions should turn or remain red, orange or yellow (with the consequent restrictions and economic damages) the Minister of Health and the Minister of Regional Affairs respond with profit. In fact, on Friday the new repression will be decided again with the 21 parameters contested by the governors. We’ll see. Because “the dialogue with the Regions is always open”, says Speranza. “But the technicians and the objective data will decide, there is no room for political discretion,” says Boccia.

ALSO READ Red zone: Regions of Puglia, Liguria and Basilicata towards the strait

However, the door is not completely closed: in the next few hours the two government representatives will accept the invitation of the Regions and hold the requested summit. At the end of the day, the objective is common: to write a Dpcm on December 3 with a slack capable of allowing for Christmas shopping and family vacations. The problem is that governors would like looser rules regardless of the actual course of the epidemic. For this reason, the Ministry of Health specifies: «Final decisions will be taken in the technical and scientific field. And for now the 21 parameters are those and those remain … ». As if to say: the Regions have no illusions. Because if the Rt index does not fall below 1 (now it is at 1.4), it will not be possible to decide on the expected softening of the grip to allow Christmas to be celebrated with family members, “which in any case will not be like the others “. the virus is not going to disappear … “, explains the Minister of Health. And it will be inevitable to maintain the repression of commercial activities, dealing a new blow to the economy by blocking the purchase race in much of the country. And because “any acceleration towards de-escalation now runs the risk of dispersing the sacrifices made so far”.


Above all, if Speranza were to please the governors of Lombardy, Piedmont, Friuli, Emilia Romagna, Tuscany, who are in a hurry to go from red to orange, reopening shops, bars and restaurants, the health system would not come out of the strong criticality in the one that sank: “The fact that the RT has gone down in the last week is a good sign,” says Speranza, “but until this index drops below 1, the health service will continue to be under enormous pressure, not sustainable” .

Ultimately, the mission of the Minister of Health and the entire government is to lower the Rt. When it drops below 1, “the so-called plateau will be reached, the epidemic will be under control and the number of people discharged from hospitals” , explains a source following the health dossier, “it will finally be higher than that of people who are hospitalized.” . We were at 1.7, we got to 1.4. Technicians are now convinced that RT will go down again, hopefully. We began to see the results of the Dpcm of October 24: a week ago we had about 60 thousand new positives in two days and between yesterday and today this figure has remained almost stable. This is a good sign. But now we have to wait to see the effects of the Dpcm of November 4, which came into force on November 6: there are half of Italy, 27 million citizens, in the red zone. The hope is that this tightening will lead to a further reduction in the contagion rate, thus allowing a relaxation of the pressure on hospitals and intensive care units. “And to save Christmas.

“Wait for the results”

These are the reasons why Speranza and Boccia, like Giuseppe Conte, do not want to give in to the requests of the Regions. Not right away, at least. Not until December 3, when the results of the latest repression have been fully seen. That is why the 21 parameters are in place and will continue to be used on Friday for the new restrictions. So, if the technicians and scientists of the control room and the CTS say that they can be reduced, the government will accept “at least partially” the requests of the governors for the drafting of the new decree.

“In fact, the Regions are asking for simplification”, says a source after the negotiation, “since the 5 parameters indicated by the governors are within the 21 in force and are the most important. But they are not enough: there are others that are necessary, because they allow us to understand if the Region alone has the capacity to resist, if it is in control of the epidemic. Also, 21 parameters give a complete picture of the situation, so … ».
Therefore, little or nothing will change.

Last update: 00:07

