Rome, November 20 – Colored map (red, orange and yellow zone) of the regions in Italy for anti-restrictionsCoronavirus: the Minister of Health, Roberto Speranza, was ahead of the times and has already signed this morning an ordinance which concerns some of the Italian regions: The ordinance, in force as of today, renew measures related to these regions: Calabria, Lombardy, Piedmont, Puglia, Sicily, Aosta Valley. The new ordinance is valid until December 3, “without prejudice to the possibility of a new classification” foreseen by the Dpcm of November 3.
Thus Lombardy, Piedmont, Aosta Valley and Calabria stay in the red zone. Puglia and Sicily instead they remain in orange zone. Always without prejudice to the possibility of a new classification. And the key date for all these regions will remain Friday October 27th (we’ll see why below).
This is the first certainty of today, the day D – like every Friday – to find out if and how colorful map of the regioni in Italy (yellow, orange or red zone) at the time of Coronavirus. In fact, in the afternoon weekly report of the Higher Institute of Health: we will know the Rt index (the so-called transmissibility index) fundamental reference point for the passage from one region from one area to another. Fundamental along with 20 other parameters that determine the allocation. It now remains to be seen whether in the course of the day there will be another ordinance concerning the other regions (Abruzzo in the first place). So let’s see how things are region by region.
South Tyrol, to massive tests
Piedmont and Lombardy
Both of them, Piedmont and Lombardy, have been in the red zone since the first ordinance of November 6. And today Speranza has decided that they will remain “red” until December 3. But as we will see, the key date is November 27. In fact, both regions may exhibit a improved Rt (technically they would already be from the “orange zone” but it must be said that to move from one area to another less restrictive permanence is required for 14 days in the lowest risk section. So for both of them, the minimum release date is November 27. Hope now has anticipated what has already been said: an extension until December 3. With the possibility of a different classification4 that will be considered on November 27.
Red zone, what can be done? Questions and answers
Yellow, orange and red zones: the rules
Ll ‘Abruzzo should happen in the red zone (it seems almost certain), which has already been decided by autonomous order of Governor Marsilio.
Ligurian orange
One of the special regions observed is the Liguria that since Friday of last week (November 13) has entered orange zone. In recent days, a possible ticket has even been issued in Red zone. Obviously we have to wait for the results of the monitoring but it seems, at least for the moment, that it can still remain in the orange zone. After all, the governor Toti announced that the RT in Liguria fell to 0.9.
Veneto yellow
There should be no surprises for him Veneto the yellow zone is confirmed. The governor trusts in this regard Luca zaia: “If today we were to describe the situation of today Friday, the day of colors, by the numbers we have, the feeling we have and the management climate, I would say that for us nothing has changed compared to the other Friday. So I do not know how algorithm laps, but the situation has definitely not worsened compared to last Friday. ” Zaia announced a decrease in intensive care (-10).
Puglia and Sicily are still oranges
The Puglia the most difficult case remained. Yesterday (Thursday) Governor Michele Emiliano had written to Speranza asking for the red zone for the provinces of Foggia and BAT (Barletta-Andria-Trani). Today Speranza confirmed the orange zone. In any case, it will be up to the governor to adopt more restrictive rules. According to Hope’s order, Sicily also remains in the orange zone. Puglia and Sicily They have been in the orange zone since November 6. Also for them there is a date for a new possible different classification on November 27.
Lazio Yellow
There should be no news about him Lazio that should stay in yellow zone have an Rt index below 1.
The map of Italy
Red zone: Piedmont, Lombardy, Calabria, Val d’Aosta, Tuscany, Campania, Abruzzo and the autonomous province of Bolzano.
Orange zone: Puglia, Sicily, Basilicata, Liguria, Umbria, Emilia Romagna, Marche and Friuli Venezia Giulia.
Yellow zone: Lazio, Molise, Province of Trento, Sardinia, Veneto.
Hope: “Rt Index decreased”
For the Minister of Health, Roberto Speranza, restrictive measures “are the only real tool that we now have to lower the contagion and put it under control. It is evident that they cause sacrifices at an economic and cultural level, but as the preliminary figures of recent days in our country show, they turn out to be effective “. We have, in the last week, a Rt level, or rate of spread of infection, decreased compared to week
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