(ANSA) – PERUGIA, SEPTEMBER 24 – “I do not put others in the media mincer in which I am already finished, absolutely not”: Maurizio Oliviero, rector of the University of Perugia, responds to ANSA in this way to the question of who is the ‘belonging to the Juventus squad who contacted him to find out where Luis Suárez could have taken the test to certify his knowledge of the Italian language. “If some authority asks me I am willing to do it, but only to them,” he adds. However, Oliviero reiterates that the person who contacted him is not Juventus sporting director Fabio Paratici. “Paratici – Oliviero explains – I only heard him after Suárez’s exam. The other person called me and put the phone on speaker. Paratici spoke for a few seconds saying that the footballer’s staff had told him that he had stayed. positively impressed by the welcome received in Perugia. Why did I select the University for Foreigners for the exam? Because it is an institution in my city and I thought I could give it even more prestige ”. (HANDLE).