Yves Herman / Reuters
The countdown has started, but the times are very tight. Giuseppe Conte charged on Vax-Day as the day of victory (still symbolic) in the fight against the coronavirus. But the equally significant green light for the Cabinet Recovery Plan for the New Year is uphill. Palazzo Chigi awaits the “observations” of the majority parties tomorrow. The roadmap established in the Ministry of Finance provides for the table for the collection of opinions, then the approval of the draft government plan – presumed date, Wednesday 30 – finally the beginning of the discussion in Parliament with the opening to local authorities and matches. Social. However, no date has been set. There is no appointment on the agenda yet.
The focus is on Italia Viva, which is preparing a “very tough but constructive” document of some thirty pages for a hundred polls on the “generic and undaunted” view of the prime minister’s proposals. Collegiality, broad political orientation, recourse to funds from the Month for Health will be requested. As usual, Matteo Renzi fuels the suspense: in content and time. Your file doesn’t necessarily arrive tomorrow, it could be postponed one day. And they would be lost for twenty-four hours in Conte’s race against time. Who knows: the rumors of Renz’s “obstructionism” are contrasted with those of the “poisons” spread artistically in the climate of the “last days of Pompeii” that enliven the end of 2020 for Giallorossi’s team.
Governance and content
Dem sources assure that, except for technical delays, tomorrow their “observations” will land on the table of the head of Government, and there will be no surprises compared to the forecasts. On governance, in addition, the wishes of Zingaretti and Renzi do not differ: a control room that is not limited to the Conte-Gualtieri-Patuanelli “triumvirate”, and a working group entrusted to the technicians of the ministries responsible for the projects, with external managers and experts with the sole function of support and monitoring. A well-defined perimeter, in which Palazzo Chigi has already shown openings. Dem’s suggestion is to institutionalize the “socio-economic table” that includes Andrea Orlando and Cecilia D’Elia, Maria Elena Boschi and Ettore Rosato for Italia Viva, the grillini group leaders Ettore Licheri and Davide Crippa, Loredana De Petris for Leu , plus the chief of staff of the Palazzo Chigi Alessandro Goracci, a man of absolute confidence of the prime minister.
Regarding the contents: great attention to green, transition and ecological innovation, start-ups. The themes of gender equality, education, funds for kindergartens and social infrastructures, culture and commerce are central. Great attention to the Mezzogiorno, health and the labor market: the risk is to reach the end of the block of layoffs (next March) without a reform of the social safety nets. An alarm that Andrea Orlando gave several times in majority assemblies, on which the former Labor Minister Cesare Damiano returned: “If the Cig is not extended to everyone, there will be a wave of layoffs.”
The Cinquestelle pretend not to create problems so, as Di Maio pointed out about the vote on the Mes reform, they themselves sent the government. And, therefore, they will insist on the green economy (in particular on the extension of the superecobonus), on digitization, especially in the South, on resources for schools. Mentte Leu drives a lot of resources for hospitals and healthcare.
The arm wrestling in the “game over”
But the first round of the party on the “recovery and resilience plan” that crosses the final approval of the Budget Law -in extremis, never like this time just in time to avoid the provisional exercise- is just a stage in the network of rationem between Conte and Renzi, backed by Pd. Even this morning the former prime minister delivered a message to the allies: “For me the experience of Count 2 is already archived, if I change my mind I should hide on Mars.” The “verification” continues. The arm wrestling continues. With the prime minister determined not to give up the delegation of the secret services. And the response of the Democratic Party does not change: if the government falls, there are the ballot boxes. Line taken from the concerns of the President of the Republic Mattarella. Goffredo Bettini reiterated this in an interview with “Stampa”: “The government will continue forward, there are no alternatives. But if the trickle continues, the vote is better ”. Consequence “logical”: the electoral alliance Pd-M5S, perhaps with a Count of support: “It would be understandable that the strength it has in the country is transformed into a political entity.”
It is the rabbit that many in the Democrats hope to take out of the hat, if the situation worsens, to stop the collapse of the Grill in the South and take 5-6 points from the favorite center-right. The counter warning to Renzi was strong and clear: whoever breaks pays and the pieces are his. Next date circled in red: the final vote of the maneuver in the Senate, where Renzi raises expectations of an intervention “with fireworks.”