Define him forced elections perhaps it is an excess. But certainly the government’s room for maneuver in preparing the draft National recovery and resilience plan it was very limited. The political controversies of these hours – Matteo renzi in his speech to the Senate he asked “who decided” where to put the resources – they do not take into account the fact that all recovery plans must comply with the strict bets established by the European Comission. Rules necessary to ensure that I 750 billion next-generation EU goals to achieve the goals set by Brussels, starting from fight against climate change me digital transition, to which a specific portion of the funds must be allocated. Not only that: each country is also obliged to propose measures with which to “deal effectively” i weaknesses noted by the Board in its specific recommendations published every year. For Italy the list is long: due to the slowness of the civil justice to low participation of women to the labor market, going through i school results “among the worst in the EU” and insufficient supply of Nursing schools. All the problems they (try) to remedy with the Plan. Result: almost all the contents of the draft were “already written” or almost. Only about 13 billion of the initiative remain outside the mesh I react that the government intends to use to reduce contributions from workers in the South.
44 pages of guidelines set the stakes – The guidelines for Commission staff were published last. September 17: 44 pages full of examples of “typical investments and reforms” deemed adequate for the purposes of the green transition and other priorities of the executive led by Ursula von der Leyen, which was one of the main sponsors of the extraordinary fund for the post Covid recovery financed, for the first time in history, with the theme of european bond by hundreds of billions. “States need clear guidance to ensure that I 672 billion recovery facility della (the “heart” of the next generation of the EU, ed.) are invested for both immediate recovery and a long-term sustainable and inclusive growth“Explained the president during the presentation of the document. And the point is precisely this: those that will arrive in Italy, the first beneficiary of the plan, are not funds ”.releasedAnd to be used at will for the sectors chosen by the government. They are needed to build a post-pandemic Europe according to a wide-ranging project developed in Brussels.
Four objectives: from cohesion to the digital and green transition – Having recalled that the national plans must be presented before April 30, 2021 and informally discussed “as soon as possible” with the European working group – Italy started to do so in mid-October – the guidelines are detailed. Putting black on white i four general objectives Member States need to consider how their plan will help to achieve them: first, promotion of economic, social and territorial cohesion of the Union, followed by strengthening economic and social resilience, of mitigating the social and economic impact of the crisis and support for the green and digital transition. At first glance, the descriptions are vague, but that’s just the beginning. Because point 4, based on the decisions taken by the Commission and the Council in recent months, reminds us that at least 37% of resources must be spent on “green” projects: for Italy it means at least 72.5 billion. In addition, a “minimum level of 20% of spending related to digital“: They make another 39 billion and pass. The Italian project respects the indication and goes a little further, given that according to the tables 80 billion, equivalent to 40.8% of the 196 billion that are the total number of RFF allocations for Italy, go to the green transition (still provisional estimate), while 45 are assigned to digital (23%). And so, 64% of the total is already assigned.
The seven key initiatives to contribute to – But the Brussels “instruction booklet” is only at the beginning. Immediately afterwards, countries are “invited to provide information on which components of their recovery plan will contribute to the seven initiatives” defined as “European flagships”, which are part of the annual strategy for sustainable growth: these are acceleration plans in the use of renewable energies, the remodeling of buildings, the promotion of technologies for clean mobility, the spread of broadband and 5G, the digitization of public administration, the development of more efficient processors along with the doubling of the percentage of companies that use Big Data and advanced cloud services, the rise of digital skills and of In training work. Hence the need for a batch of projects in these areas.
Investments in infrastructure? Only if it can be achieved by 2026 – Regarding investments in infrastructure, the European manual itself specifies that theirs time horizon should be consistent with that of the European plan, which will end in 2026: therefore, “States should avoid investments whose implementation cannot be guaranteed during the life of the Mechanism and be cautious when considering investments that would require permanent fiscal commitments that would require budget savings in national budgets ”. Which explains the choice to focus on the reinforcement and expansion of some railway sections and the construction of thehigh speed south -which will already be a challenge- and not add other great works invented from scratch to the cauldron. The investments already decided will be financed with i loans, thus reducing the need for more loans in the market, while non-refundable grants they will cover additional expenses.
Country recommendations to follow – The table is completed with the request that the recovery plan also address the challenges identified in the country recommendations that Brussels sends each year. The guidelines recall some that they consider valid for all, including reforms to improve the so-called “business environment“- the ease of doing business – and ensuringeffectiveness of public administration. Adding the specific requests made to Italy, which in 2019 and 2020 referred, among other things, to the involvement of young people and women in the labor market, investments to improve educational outcomes, the strengthening of digital skills and the reduction of duration of processes. civilians, the menu is complete.
Few health information – The Italian project incorporates all indications, also with regard to health care which is not among the main points of the Commission document given that for this sector there are also, on paper, the resources of Me. Therefore, the guidelines are limited to warning that schools and hospitals are at the top of the list of public buildings to be rebuilt and modernized, and the Italian Recovery envisages this, and as examples of interventions to address the vulnerability of health systems cites “improving accessibility” and strengthening long-term care. The Italian plan, based on the critical questions that arose during the pandemic, focuses on territorial assistance and digitization, a chapter that includes telemedicine for the home care of the elderly patient, but also the expansion of the access of medical graduates to the most discovered specialties, starting with anesthesia and intensive care.
Goals, times and results – The current plan, however, has yet to be drawn up: it will be much more detailed and, according to the scheme proposed by the Commission, must include for each project specific objectives outlined with numbers and data, steps to be achieved along the way, expected results in terms of impact in that sector. Each item must be accompanied by an explanation of what, how, when the objective is to achieve it, who is responsible for doing it, why it is important for the country system. Accuracy and clarity will be crucial, as, based on the effective achievement of each objective on time, the Commission will gradually give the green light to the payment of the requested funds.